the Choice

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The next time I saw the Baadshah was in the semi formal royal study chambers. A week had past since my sentence of being 'suspended' from the Royal Begum's pleasures (not like I had any idea what they were), which meant that I had served my time; my punishment was over.

Inside the study room I couldn't help but notice the intricately and carefully designed golden leaves etched in the pillars and ceilings, just like the ones that the Guru had shown me in the paintings in Bisnagar. They calmed me down to certain extent; as a reminder that I was not there for their other worldly pursuits as the other begums in attaining a 'respectable post' or 'being admired by the unwanted husband', I was there to escape.

"Thus with this formality, Begum Avani is rightfully authorized back to the Novice Queen for as long as she is, allowed." Khusijaan read from a white parchment paper enveloped in a silk garment.

I refused to meet any of their eye. Although Khusijaan's wince was obvious- not that she made any effort to disguise it well. I chose carefully to look away but not down. I knew the look they were going to send my way, a gaze that gave them satisfaction that they had me punished, however ridiculous the punishment may be.

I was especially extra careful to choose not to even face the direction where the Emperor was sitting, but I could feel his heated gleam from my periphery. I thanked the lords that they hadn't granted him any boons consisting of fire burning laser beams, else, I was sure I would be fried up with his gaze.

"If my sentence served wasn't satisfactory-"

"We want nothing more from you, Princess" The Badshah swiftly cut me off.

Truth be said, neither did I.

And for once I was satisfied. Now I could pour in all my attention at the instructions my Guru had given me.

I solacely joined my two hands together and greeted them my way out of the room.

"You were too soft on her" I heard Khusijaan's fainted voice hovering behind me as I left the chambers.

Whatever politics Khusijaan felt necessary to impose on me, she was free to do so, as long as it didn't harm my way of escapade.


'Creation' at its core had many meanings; it could be anything. And I had not understood the laws of this magical realm well enough for me to point out what the Guru asked for when told me to 'create'.

It could literally be anything.

So as per my understanding, I had done this: I ordered seeds of the marigold flower because I knew they would bloom with little care and effort. I assumed it made sense to equate creation with sprouting life in a seed.

"What exactly is your point with this, princess" Rati had exasperated after an hour of silence.

Truthfully, I was deluded. I planted the seeds in a couple of earthen pots placed in the bank of the giant window of my glamorous new chamber in the Novice Queen. And I had been staring at the planted flowers for over and hour, as if they would sprout up like hair during goosebumps.

"Trying to make this grow" I mumbled.

"In this realm, growth of plants take nurture and time. They never grow instantly" she explained.

I shot a glance at Rati. She had a far more vivid imagination of my original realm than I had for hers— which was funny because her realm consisted of genies and flying carpets.

"Sorry princess, forgive my audacious tone" She lowered her head.

"I don't understand who it is who taught you that you have to maintain a tone with a friend"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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