Ch. 6 | Off

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[ Third Person POV ]

" Ah, I see. Well, true actually. If I were in your shoes, I would also be dissappointed in him. But, maybe you should give him a chance. You know, you guys are siblings, you guys should talk it out," Areum said.

" Alright, I'll try to talk to him," Hwayoung sighed.

" Come to think of it, you still need to talk to him. Where is he gonna stay though? " Areum tilted her head.

" Oh, you're right! " She exclaimed as worried started to built up in her.

" I need to find him, now! " Hwayoung ran out.

" Hwayoung! Your work- " There's no point on continuing it as she already went inside the elevator.

" Oh? Areum? What're you doing here? " Jimin asked.

" I was with Hwayoung just now but..."

" Where did she go? " Taehyung raised one of his eyebrows.

" I don't know. She just ran off to find someone," Areum looked down.


Hwayoung ran and ran, checking every stores, cafe, hotels, you name it.

Just give up, Hwayoung. I'm sure he's safe out there, anyway.

She went back to the company and was shock to see the scene infront of her.

" Jimin...what's wrong with Tae? " She raised one of her eyebrows.

" Ah, he's dying," He said.

" What?! "

" Yeah, he's dying of love," Jimin added.

" I'm being serious," Hwayoung crossed her arms.

" And I am too," Jimin mirrored her action. Just then, his phone vibrated and he looked at it.

" Unfortunately, my mom needs me at home right now. Go take care if him, he's your boss. You wouldn't wanna get fired," He smirked and dashed off.

Gosh that guy. I can't believe Areum falls for him.

Hwayoung sighed and looked at the guy infront of her, who looked like someone just killed him.

" Kim Taehyung," She called him but he wouldn't budge. " What's wrong with you? " She asked as she poked his cheek.

Instead of listening to her, he went inside his office.

" You're giving me a silent treatment, now? " She raised one of her eyebrows.

She sighed but without knowing, she tripped on something that made her to fall into his arms.

' Clichè much ' She thought.

Taehyung pulled her with him under the table as soon as they heard footsteps.

Both of their hearts beating at the same rate, as if two lovers who share the same heart. Though Taehyung knew the cause of it but Hwayoung was confuse. Was it because she was nervous and scared of getting caught or because of this guy infront of her.

Soon, they heard the door getting locked and the power went off.

" W-what just happened?! " Hwayoung stuttered.

" Ah, right. It's 5:30pm, the company is close," He explained.

" Wha- and you still manage to calm down?! " She panicked.

" As long as I'm with you then I can manage," He smirked.

" I can't believe that you still managed to get so cheezy," She shooked her head. " So, we're locked in..? " She said, making sure.

" Yep! Just the two of us, alone, in the dark, locked in this room," His chuckled.

" Y-yeah, I'm well aware of that," She sighed. " Aren't you gonna call the security or anything..? " She continued.

" My phone is outside of this room," He stated.

Uh, same..

" So, are you going to fire the security tomorrow? " She tilted her head.

" No, why would I do that? "

" That's weird. In the past, you usually fire them right away even if they made the slightest mistake," She giggled.

" Well, I...I'll let them pass this time," He said.

They both sat down on the couch near the glass-wall.

" So what's up with you just now? " Hwayoung raised one of her eyebrows.

" What? Nothing," He looked away.

" You're such a bipolar, Tae. Jimin said you were dying of love and yet you're the one who kicked out your own girlfriend," She crossed her arms.

" When did I ever said that she's my girlfriend? Why? Jealous much," He flipped his non-existant long hair.

" What? Then who's she..? "

" She's my cousin. I swear she can get too clingy and too rude sometimes. Not really sometimes, most of the time. No, always! " Taehyung rubbed his temple.

" Ah, I see," She nodded.

Suddenly, a loud thunder was heard making Hwayoung to involuntarily hugged him. He could feel her shaking state.

" Hoseok..." She sniffed.

The loud thunder and the heavy rain outside doesn't help at all. It just increase the worriness she had for her beloved brother.

" Hoseok? " He tilted his head as he has hever heard of that name before.

" You care for him that much? " He asked as he stroked her hair.

" I do "


" You miss him? "

" Extremely "

Two times the pain..

" You love him? "

" Very much "

And that made him to stop his movement for awhile but soon continued to stroke her hair.

Though he was in pain, in a heartbroken state, he knew that she needs someone to protect her right now because of her fear of thunder.

Without realizing, Hwayoung fell asleep in his arms.

Taehyung took a long moment to stare at her beauty and sighed as he put his coat on her, acting like a blanket, protecting her from the coldness.

" Jung Hwayoung, why can't you see that I love you? " He sighed and pecked her forehead. " Sleep well, have a good night," He wished.

He went to the other couch and slept there.


" Where is this girl? " Areum sighed as she started to feel worried.

As soon as she heard the bell rang, she ran to it expecting her own best friend.

" Jimin? What're you doing here? " Areum tilted her head.

" Taehyung went missing," He stated.

" What?! Hwayoung too, you know," Areum panicked.

" Heh?! Then they must be together right now," Jimin said.

" What? How can you be so sure? "

" Well, Taehyung know...he was sulking and then Hwayoung came and then my mom needed me so I went home leaving both of them. I went to Taehyung house just know to see his condition but he's not there. Though I don't really know where they're right now but I'm sure they're safe," He nodded.

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