Ch. 9 | Blind Date

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[ Third Person POV ]

" Wah, they didn't even tell me anything about them being together," Hwayoung muttered. " Nevertheless, I'm happy for you Areum. You got the man of your dream," She smiled.

She left them and went back to work.

She put a hundred percent of focus on her work until she was completely done.

" Ah! I'm finally D to the O-N-E! " Hwayoung exclaimed as she let out a sigh. " It's time to check on the love of my life, huehuehue," She squealed.

" GAH! You scared me! " She exclaimed as she saw him leaning on the door frame. " long have you been there? " She asked awkwardly as he raised one of his eyebrows.

" I've been here since forever," He stated.

" What?! So, you heard what I said- " She said with blush crept up on her cheeks.

" Definitely," He nodded. " Loud and clear," He chuckled.

" Ah, I see," She laughed awkwardly. " Yep! It's time to check on the love of my life," She gulped.

Suddenly, Areum went inside and a light bulb popped in her mind.

" There it is! The love of my life! Hey, bestie, how are you doing? " She asked.

" Uh..I'm doing just fine..? " Areum raised one of her eyebrows. " Anyway! Hwayoung, are you free, right now? " She continued.

" Yeah, why? "

" Tae, can we go home early? It's an emergency," Areum asked him seriously.

" Yeah sure but wha- "

" Okay sweet! Thank you, bye! " Areum dragged Hwayoung out, ignoring Taehyung's unfinished words.


" Okay, so what exactly is the emergency? " Hwayoung raised her eyebrows.

" Nothing much, you know, I actually think that you should go on a blind date this time, I'm worried, Hwayoung," Areum said.

" Why? " She tilted her head. " I have you, Jimin, Taehyung, Seokjin and my brother, Hoseok. So..I don't see any problem..? " She continued.

" Hwayoung," Areum said in her serious tone.

" What? " She gulped.

" Shut up," Areum stated.

" God, you never listen," Hwayoung shooked her head.

Without listening to her, Areum went to Hwayoung's closet and handed her the GUCCI bag.

" You should wear it, Hwayoung," Areum said.

" Wait! How did you know I have this? " Hwayoung asked as she never told her about it before.

" W-what? I was searching for some clothes to wear and then I thought of mixing your style and mine so I went to your closet and that's when I found out," She shrugged her shoulders.

" Clothes for a date with Jimin? " Hwayoung raised one of her eyebrows.

" Of course, who else? " She chuckled. " I mean no! Who were you talking about again? I don't know any Jimin," She cleared her throat as soon as she realized that she hasn't told her about Jimin.

" Bish, I know already that you guys are together, no need to hide it! " Hwayoung exclaimed.

" O-oh, how did you find out? "

" I saw you guys hugging each other to sleep," She looked away.

" Stalker, anyway! Go change your clothes, we need to go now! "


[ Jung Hwayoung POV ]

I'm currently sitting on a chair in a round table that is prepared for two people in a restaurant.

Lee Areum, that girl needs a punch but since she saved me from earlier, then I might as well do what she asked.

Though I don't really have any reason to go to this blind date as I actually already found my source of happiness.

God! This man is late! It passed 30 minutes already..

To kill some time, I decided to play some games on my phone.

" Hello there, sorry for letting you wait for so long," A voice said as I felt that he's sitting in front of me.

I shouldn't play with people's feeling so might as well end this quickly, right?

" So, what's favourite song? " He asked.

" Film Out," I answered, though my attention was on my phone, I couldn't really ignore him, can I?

" What's your hobby? "

" Playing games, resting, drawing, painting, designing, reading books. Something I hate? Something that involves counting like physics and maths," I stated.

" Not trying to sound so rude but I actually found my source of happiness, his name is Kim Taehyung though he's my boss and that it's impossible for us to be together but a girl could dream, right? " I confessed.

" Uh-huh, can you just look at me? Like just for a second is already fine," He said.

I sighed as I turned off my phone and looked at him.

" M-mr. Kim?! " I choked on air.

" You looked good though, in this dress, it's the right timing then. To think that you actually have some feelings for me, Jung Hwayoung," He smirked.

Dear brother,
You won this time, I'm the one who's making the first move-

Sincerely, your little sister,
Jung Hwayoung.

I mentally slapped myself as I thought of that right exactly at this moment.

" Wh-what," I felt so stupid. That's the only word that can rolled out of my tongue.

I felt like a deer trapped in a small room with a tiger who's trying to catch and eat it's prey.

He laughed at my helpless state.

" Stop laughing," I looked down.

" It's okay, Jung Hwayoung. I'm grateful that...the incident just now happened," He chuckled.

" What? What do you mean? " I tilted my head.

Am I really that naive?

" I love you too, Jung Hwayoung "

Butterflies...fireworks...heart beating rapidly...

I felt all of it at once.

" I love you like really love you, ever since I laid my eyes on you, as clichè as it sounds, that's when I know that you're the one. You mean so much to me, you know," He confessed.

I stared at him in awe, his words...I could feel the sincerety, the truth..

Know that I think of it..he's such a gentleman. He's a true man. We've known each other for a year now. The way he managed to maintain his feelings for me and didn't even try to look at another girl the same way he did for me is just so...rare.

" So, will you be mine, Jung Hwayoung? "

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