Engulfed in Dark Devotion (Yandere!Mr. Stitchy x Fem!Reader)

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Requested by XxAngelicFoxfallsxX

(This story might be not accurate due to the actual game update)


Saying goodbye to your last moments on your eerie camping trip, you then turned around and face the night, and some people chit-chat. You're happy that some of the buildings surrounding you were not damaged, and you are glad to not see any ritualistic notes pinned on trunks or left on the dirty ground which ruined any activities on there.

With that exaggerate every day, it made everyone including you plot destruction to all of the notes. Some of them even water the sewers with it in anger.

Working as a detective in Lucella, this is the first scene that doesn't go with murder or thievery and instead; introduced you to a new genre, supernatural.

As you kept going further to your usual path, no people or any animals are passing by. No one ever. The lights then shone white instead, giving you other effects that some horrors terrorize your brain and your body like that figure called Mr. Stitchy.

All the buildings are dimmed with closed signs hanging on the doors, with the wind that carries fallen leaves and any type of residue from the ground in the direction it blows.

Suddenly, similar papers appear either under the bench and on the wall.

They seem to leave notes regarding an entity that can't be seen by your real eyes and they put their devotion on it fully. You don't know what to counter it, but the only best option to do it is to assume such things like those don't exist or just a piece of popular fiction advertised for horror readers to read it.

Or maybe it's just a rumor mentioned by the civilians.

As you lay down on the bed, you had thoughts of telling your friends about the notes left on the streets and let them embark on the mysteries written, because those friends you have mostly show no fear of horror stuff, so it's your chance to take away your anxiety.

Meeting yourself with black surroundings, you feel the cold air swoop in and give your body a cool temperature.


Then, a sound made you squeak a little. An anomaly one which you never heard of them before. It seems to be sounding outside your room, but you can't risk yourself walking outside, as you were hesitating in your bed.


A sound from the floor of your room sounded like it's an old floor or some sort. Feeling paralyzed, you feel like these notes played with your mind, making you feel that everything stated on them is nonfiction and happened in this town.

Just like the shadows circled your soul, telling you to join them beyond their world. Eventually, you completely got back to sleep, making a barrier to stop the devils from reaching you again.

But then, your alarm clock blared rapidly, buzzing to get your eyes open wide and start your day. But you just slept for five hours and these abnormalities happened just now.

It's six in the morning. You turned on the lights and checked your properties. If nothing was damaged, then everything that happened in the dark was just a hallucination. To make things go back to normal, you prepared yourself and go to the kitchen and cook your usual breakfast.

When you just brought your ingredients, you suddenly saw an orange circle with a black dotted on the center of it widely with another black as an outline of it.

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