Chapter Twenty Six

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YAY!!! My writer's block has been cured! All it took was watching some good old Mr. Stampy Cat's ridiculous quest videos! ^_^ Anyway, the book will soon end and I wanted to thank everyone again for reading.


I watched as a bright white light surrounded Camilia. She fell to the ground and let out a cry of pain. A portal opened.
"Go! Rally the Endermen! I can't keep this open for very long!"
"But, the void is empty! We can't condemn them to that! They didn't ask to be like this!"

"The void is not empty anymore! Now, go!" Camilia yelled and let out another cry of pain. I turned and took off running towards the castle, ignoring the confused monsters who had no idea what to do now that their master was gone.

I hurried to the door of the room where everyone was held prisoner and flung it open. Almost immediately, every head turned. They all had a look of confusion on their faces.
"Who are you? What happened?" One demanded. Other voices joined in, angrily shouting at me.

"Quiet! Please!" I yelled. The crowd slowly quieted. They looked at me expectedly. My mind spun. What should I say?
"Ummm..." I sighed. "How should I put this? You are all being sent to the void."

Screams of panic rose. Obviously, I wasn't the best at speeches.
"Calm down!" I shouted. I teleported to a nearby Enderman.
"What's your name?"
"J...Jake." It stuttered.
"Do you have any loved ones you want to say goodbye to?"
"Not really. I was more of a loaner."
"Alright. Go through the door. There's a portal outside. And hurry!"

Jake nodded and took off running. I repeated this until most of the Endermen were gone. Only a few had actual families they wanted to say goodbye to. One, it turned out, was a young boy, snatched from his family in the middle of the night. And I thought Herobrine would run out of ways to make me sick.

I took all the Endermen with families outside to Camilia. She looked at them and closed the portal, breathing a sigh of relief.
"I can be the translator, if you want." She said. I nodded. I told them all to stay here, that they would all get their turn, then Camilia and I would one by one, take them to see their families, and sent our regards. Camilia was officially Queen now, after all.

"Did we miss anyone?" I asked the Endermen. One nodded. It was the young boy, Luke I think. He had tears streaming down his face and looked terrified. It was strange, really, seeing a creature like that look so childish.
"Camilia, you get the others to the void safely. I'll take Luke."
"But no one can understand you! You need a translator!"
"No. Get the others to safety first, then you can join us."

I teleported a bit farther away, just to see if Luke could. To my surprise, he was right next to me.
"Alright. Where's your house?"
"Near the castle. It's a plain oak house."
The castle? This wouldn't be good. By now, news would have spread about the terrible, evil creature that had attacked the king.

I sighed. "Let's go." I said. I had a bad feeling about this. We teleported outside the city walls and walked in. It was the dead of night, so not many people were awake.
"Alright. We need to stick together." I said, turning to Luke. He was gone.

"Luke? Luke!" I called. A loud scream answered my call. I teleported in the direction of it. Luke was on the ground, a sword pierced through his stomach. A girl stood over him, holding another sword just inches from his heart.

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