(6) - Dismay

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Chapter 6: Dismay

Bright Chivaaree was angry — mostly because of jealousy but also because Win ditched them to hook up with some girl instead of helping out with the project. Okay, it was mostly because Win was with some girl.

God, he was acting like a scorned lover who turned into a stalker but he couldn't help himself when it came to refreshing Win's instagram profile to see if there was any update

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God, he was acting like a scorned lover who turned into a stalker but he couldn't help himself when it came to refreshing Win's instagram profile to see if there was any update. He was aware that Win dated around but based on Win's stories, it was just that — a date. They meet up, eat somewhere or watch a movie, and don't meet again ever. But Melody, Melody was someone Win mentioned to him and Mike before.

If Bright remembers it correctly, Melody was an exchange student from Korea. Win took a liking to her because they were both new to Bangkok. He would constantly see him messaging her but he never thought it was serious enough for Win to skip classes and ditch him and Mike.

Plus he would never meet any of the girls he dated twice. What made Melody so different?

God, he sounds like an irrational jealous lover when he wasn't even Win's lover or anything. Just a school buddy.

Bright's phone got two notifications. Win posted two story updates. He gave it a few minutes before opening it. He knew he was being pathetic but at least it would only be him who knew.

That's a nice picture

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That's a nice picture. Bright thought. He also noted the background was in one of the hotels Win's family owned. Sunny.

He pressed the next one.

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