(16) - Without You

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Chapter 16: Without You


It has been two years since Win left Bangkok

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It has been two years since Win left Bangkok. Somehow he was able to adjust quickly since he had stayed in America before. His life here was all
about school, friends, his part time jobs, and just alone time in his apartment. There were times he would stand outside his balcony and imagine he was back in Bangkok. He missed the comforting noise, the laughter of his friends, the delicious Thai desserts, and most of all...

With a sigh, he fished out his phone from his pocket and visited Bright's instagram account. He had been doing this everyday as this was the only way he could somehow stay in the know on how he was doing. Today, Bright had to go to Phuket for a shoot. He was working as a model now and Win was proud of him.

Bright seemed to be doing well. He was gaining a huge fanbase in Thailand and he was also studying Business management at the same time.

Win smiled

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Win smiled. He looked even better now than he did two years ago. How was that even possible? He tried to zoom it in but he accidentally liked it. "Arghhh. Holy hell." he cursed.

"Stalking again?" Luke said, amused. He handed Win a cup of coffee and stood beside him on the balcony. They watched the river in silence. "Win, I'm going back to Bangkok next month. Come with me." Luke said, glancing at his friend. "It's just for the holidays."

Win shook his head. "You know I can't. Love's still not talking to me."

Luke looked at him at disbelief. "You're kidding? I thought she was already dating someone else? She still hasn't let go of her grudge?"

The memory of how Love screamed at him and told him to get out of Bangkok was still clear to him till this day.        "Just leave! Just leave Bangkok!" She exclaimed, tears in her eyes. "I'm not even angry at Bright but at you! Just leave! I don't want to see you again."         She wasn't just his step-sibling; she was his friend before their parents got married. Somehow he understood, or at least he has been trying to, why Love still wasn't forgiving him.

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