(8) - Pad Thai & Beer

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Chapter 8: Pad Thai & Beer

"Hey you two!" A loud voice boomed behind Bright which caused him and Win to flinch. "What do you think you're doing? We have laws against having sex in a public place. If you want to do it, book a hotel!"

Win quickly pushed Bright away. The other boy stumbled a little. "We were not! He lost balance!" Win explained.

"Then why ya'll faces red?"

Bright and Win sneakily glanced at each other. Bright cleared his throat and covered his face with his hand. "I told you, we were not!" Win repeated, then he grabbed Bright's arm and glared at the guard. "We're going back to our seats."

The guard frowned at Win. "Keep it in your pants."

Win pinched his cupid's bow in frustration. The two of them kept walking. "That stupid—" he kept on muttering angrily. In his annoyance, he didn't realize that he was still holding unto Bright's arm. "That dirty minded idiot." The train gave a little jolt again. "This stupid train."

"Win," Bright called him. "Relax. It's your birthday." He chuckled, "Wait, I'll give you something."

There we only two people in this cart. One was an old woman who was reading a book and the other one was a young woman who seemed to be asleep. Bright pulled a dark blue rectangular box from his pocket and handed it to Win, who looked confused. "It's my birthday gift." Bright clarified.

Win grinned. "Ooh, thanks! You didn't have to! Holy! It's a watch! Thanks a lot, Bright!" He closed the box. "I'll put it on later when we arrive. It might get lost. Now every time I look at my wrist I'll remember you."

Bright placed a hand on Win's shoulder and guided him back to their cart

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Bright placed a hand on Win's shoulder and guided him back to their cart. He didn't want Win to see his face slowly turning red. He could already feel his cheeks warming up.

"Go and talk to Love." Bright stated before they entered the cart.


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