(10) - The Calm

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Chapter 10: The Calm

Bright couldn't believe it. Was he the one who was drunk? Maybe this was just one of his vivid fantasies. He has been having those these past few days. Win's warm hands was holding his head steady, his fingers slowly raking into his already messy hair. He could taste the alcohol on Win's lips. Soft and warm. Sweet and tangy. Was this really happening? Was Win really kissing him? The answer to his question was met when Win moved his lips to plant kisses on Bright's jawline, sucking slowly. Bright slowly snaked his arms around Win's waist and pulled the other boy closer, inhaling his scent. The smell of the other hypnotizing to Bright's senses.

Win allowed Bright to pull him closer, until he was already being straddled by Bright. He could feel Bright's hands touching his back, unsure and trembling. He closed his eyes and laid his head on Bright's shoulders. This is nice. His head was still spinning and he wasn't sure how to end whatever this was that he did so he decided to just stay there with his eyes closed. His eyelids felt heavy and his vision was getting grainy, like little ants squirming around. His hands still tangled up in Bright's hair. Finally, he got a taste of Bright... He can sleep now.

"Win? Win?" Bright called out after a few seconds. Win's head was resting on his shoulder now, unmoving and limp. Did he fall asleep? In the middle of all that?! He slowly moved away from Win, who quickly fell back into the bed like limp doll. With a sigh, Bright positioned Win properly on the bed and covered him with a blanket. He scratched the back of his head and let out a sigh before he took the spot beside the now passed out Win.

What the hell was that? Was that just alcohol? Bright kept thinking, his eyes straying to the boy sleeping beside him. Something else?


When Win woke up the next morning, his head felt like it was going to explode. With a groan, he managed to roll out of the bed and fall into the floor. "Ow," he mumbled pushing himself to sit up. He was sticky with sweat and reeked of whatever drinks Chimon gave him last night. His legs still felt wobbly and there was this nagging pain on his back. After he washed his face and brushed his teeth, Win got out to the kitchen where most of his friends were.

"P'Win!" Love cheered when she saw her brother, stumbling into the kitchen.  His hair was disheveled, shirt almost undone (only one button was keeping it together), and looking confused. "I saved you some toast! It's your favorite, Nutella and Mango!"

"So weird," Namtan commented, "Just like you, P'Win."

Win flinched at the sound of her voice. He didn't notice her sitting beside Love. Namtan was drinking a mug of what seemed like coffee. How could she look so fresh when it was like she drank a truckload of alcohol last night?! She smirked. "Why do you look so surprised? You've never seen a beauty this early?" She teased, glancing down at his exposed chest. She rested her chin on her hand. "Love, your brother looks so lost and confused. So cute. I want him even more."

Love giggled.

Win raised a brow. "What?"

"Namtan just realized she's been having a crush on you this whole time." Love explained.

Bright came in the kitchen, grabbed a glass of orange juice. He gave it to Win, who took it unwillingly, then when his hand was free, Bright proceeded to close the buttons on Win's shirt. "You shouldn't look at other people's chests, Nong Nam." He scolded, glancing at the girl. He didn't notice how Win's face quickly turned red at his action.

Namtan just stuck her tongue out at Bright. "Last night, I made it my goal to make P'Win my boyfriend. Love already said okay."

Love grinned. "Best friend bias."

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