(9) - Drinking Games

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Chapter 9: Drinking Games

Martin Opas-iamkajorn was quite surprised when his secretary informed him that Henry Chivaaree wanted to have a dinner with him and his wife, Prim. The two men have moved around the same circle of friends and they have played golf once or thrice in the past but they have never met each other by themselves, especially not intentionally. "Did he say what he wanted to discuss?" He asked.

Morin shook her head. "Sorry, sir, but no. He just asked if you and Madame Prim are free tonight."

"Well lucky for him the kids are at the beach house for Win's birthday so I guess, Prim and I are free."

"I'll let him know." Morin stated before she exited the office.

Martin shrugged and got back to his work. He was going to expand to Malaysia. Just a small hostel in the middle of the city.

Later in the evening...

Prim Opas-iamkajorn smiled to her husband who was waiting for her at the bottom of the staircase. She blushed. "Oh, this reminds me of prom. Why do we have to be so formal?" she asked as she took his hand. "You look so handsome in a tux. Are we having a business meeting with the Chivaarees? I've been looking forward to seeing Beam again. She's such a nice, gentle woman."

"We're having dinner at Okura, darling. Yours and Win's favorite. The Chivaarees will meet us there." Martin lead his wife out the door and towards the car. He helped her in. "Henry didn't really specify why we were meeting. He just asked if we were free for some sort of a personal talk."

"Personal talk? Weird."

The car began to move and soon they were out in the busy streets of Bangkok. "I miss Win. He must be enjoying his time there at the beach house. He is so grown up already." Prim lamented with a frown. "He didn't even celebrate his birthday with us but with his friends."

Martin caressed his wife's face. "Darling, let's call Win after dinner. They'll be home tomorrow. Your boy is all grown up. He is even going out on dates a lot these days."

"It's alright. I don't want to disturb him. As you said, they'll be back tomorrow." She glanced out the window and sighed. "I just hope he is not making any trouble there." Then she glanced back at Martin, "And what? Dates? Tell me about it."

"Yes, his credit card tab has been running."

"P'Win! Oh my gosh!" Namtan screamed before the two of them fell into the pool with a big splash. The drinking games have started. She gasped as soon as she popped out of the surface of the water. "I can't believe you did that!"

Win laughed then swap towards the edge of the pool. His black shirt and cream chino pants were now drenched but it didn't matter. "I'm done!" he grinned to Mike, who was frowning.

"P'Mike!" Namtan was exclaiming as she waddled back towards the group. Her hair dripping wet. "Why would you dare him to so that?"

Mike gave her a peace sign. "Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else."

Love gave a towel to both Win and Namtan. "P'Win never backs out of a dare. He has to win everything. That's why his name suits him."

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