(11) - The Storm

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Chapter 11: The Storm

Win and Love stood sat around the living room area as they wait for the arrival of their guests. Their parents were upstairs in the bedroom preparing as well. With a sigh, Win put down his phone and stopped playing games. His eyes glanced to what Love was doing in her phone. For someone who liked Bright, she seemed unbothered that the said person was coming to their home. Win felt like he was the one who was feeling antsy and nervous. Why would Bright's family be visiting their home?

He was about to ask Love when he caught a glimpse of Love's wallpaper. "What the hell?" He exclaimed grabbing Love's phone. "When was this? Have you been hanging out without me?"

 "When was this? Have you been hanging out without me?"

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Love was speechless. She totally forgot Win was beside her. "I like him, maybe, a little." She confessed, a light blush forming on her cheeks. "I don't know. He is fun to hang out with." She reached for her phone but Win lifted it higher. "P'Win! Give me back my phone."

"When was this? How could you keep secrets from me?" Win stated, pretending to be hurt. "Are you even my sister? I feel like I don't know you anymore."

Love gritted her teeth. "Oh, stop being so dramatic and give me back my phone."

"Win! Love!" They heard their mom's stern voice. They saw her and Martin standing in the foyer with the Chivaarees. "Your manners please. We have guests."

Why is Bright all dressed up? Win thought, glancing at his friend from top to bottom. "We'll talk later." he whispered to his sister, who quickly grabbed her phone back.

"Sawasdee Krub!" Win greeted putting his palms together.

"Sawasdee Ka!" Love greeted doing the same thing as Win.

The guests did the same. "I heard from Bright that you are classmates at school, Win?" Henry asked. He was Bright's dad. He didn't look like Bright at all. He was small compared to Bright. His body structure was thin and lanky. "I'm glad there is someone like Win to keep Bright in check."

"Chi krub." Win replied, trying his best to remember the words he knows in Thai. "Bịrt pĕn dĕk reīyn dī."

(Bright is a good student.)

Henry turned to Love and shook her hand. "Hello, Love. Nice to finally meet you." He said, then glanced at Win. "You two look so much alike."

"Must be from all that time they spend together." Martin chuckled then he placed a hand on Henry's shoulder. "Let's have dinner, shall we?"

Love, Prim, and Beam followed the men to the dining room while Bright and Win lagged behind. "It's so weird that you're here and all dressed up?" Win whispered.

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