(19) - PA

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Chapter 19: PA

Love was late. She had no idea why she decided to stay up and watch Dark Blue Kiss until two in the morning. Clearly it was a bad idea. She tied her hair in a loose bun and ran down the stairs but someone caught her eye. There at the bottom was her step-brother, all sprawled out at the end of the steps. His shirt was almost open except for a few buttons and his phone and wallet a few inches away from him. He was missing his shoes as well. "P'Win?" She called as she bended to wake him up. "Phi! Wake up! When mom sees you here, you're dead!"

Win yawned then slowly cradled his nape. "Ow, what the — Love?" He asked opening his eyes. He sat upright. "What is it? Where are you going?"

"It's 7:00 am. Wake up. Who passes out on the staircase?"

"Where are you going so early?" He rubbed his eye.

"I have class."

Win's phone began to ring and the two of them instinctively glanced down at it. It was on the floor. The screen lit up and showed that it was Bright calling from Instagram. Not knowing what else to do, Win kicked his phone away and they watched it slide across the hall until it bumped on the wall.

"That was nothing! I accidentally hit his car and made a dent on the bumper. He was so pissed off so I offered to pay for the damages. And he took my car with him as collateral. That's it. I promise!"

Love snorted. "Okay. Let's just talk later. I have to go."

"I'll drive you!" Win offered.

"With what car?"

Win bit his lip. "Ah right. Sorry, I can pick you up."

"It's fine. I have Chimon to drive me," Love stated. "Please don't forget about Namtan's request. She really wants you to be there."

Win nodded. "Yes, I'll help Namtan out. I'll text her right now. This morning for sure."

Love just nodded and immediately left. Win crawled towards his phone. Of all the wrong timings! He had to call when Love was there! Win thought before he read Bright's messages. He had sent Win an estimate of the total amount needed to repair the damages Win inflicted on Bright's car. Also he was asking when would be a good time to drop Win's car back.

"Now!" Win replied before he hurried upstairs to take a quick shower.

Win waited outside the gates for the car

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Win waited outside the gates for the car. He was dressed in all white for some reason. And he was making a plan on how to better explain to Love what happened. "But that was what happened." He groaned as he kicked some dirt around. "What else can I say?"

Beep beep beeep!

"Finally!" Win exclaimed when Bright got out of the car. He looked so fresh, like he just took a shower. He wore an emerald green button down over a white shirt and paired it with white jeans.

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