Your Life In Rosewood PART 1

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THIS IS AN EMILY IMAGINE SO BRACE YOURSELF. ( these chapters are quite long and are very graphic😉)
You name is 'Y/N'. You just moved to Rosewood. You came from Texas looking for a better life because your relationship with your ex was messy and a lot of people got hurt.

Your starting in a new school. Your wearing outfit #1. You walk to school so you can see more of the town. When you get to school everyone is crowded around a blonde girl wearing a blue blazer and heels. You begin to hear whispers surrounding her. When everyone leaves a guy comes up from behind you.

"Hey, you must be new. Im Lucas".
You respond shaky but eventually become more confident with the tall boy.

"Yeah my name is Y/N".

"What a pretty name, if you were wondering what that was all about earlier. You don't wanna know".

You look at him unsure of what was really going to on. He offers you to hang out with him and you except. You both make your way in to the halls when you see a group of 5 girls walking into the school. You are now looking at all them till one girl in particular catches your eye. She catches you staring at her and smiles. You blush at her smiling at you. When they stop at one of the girls lockers Lucas catches you staring at Emily.

"Whoa woah, you do not want to go barking at the tree".
"What do you mean".
You respond.

"Emily. Emily Fields. the one your staring at".
You pretend that you don't know what he's talking about.
"Really-, Its obvious you're staring at her. you can practically smell the eye sex that's going on between you two".
You punch him playfully.
"Ugh shut up".
As you see the girls split up you can hear footsteps coming from behind you but you don't pay attention. You feel a tap on your shoulder and you turn around.
As you spin around you see a tall unhappy blonde with an evil look.

"Who the fuck are you".
She snaps.

"Who the fuck are you".
You respond.

"I asked you first".
She responds.

"I asked you second".
I state.

"Whatever, I say you eye fucking my girlfriend".
Your heart begans to beat and you feel hopeless.

"Since when did you and Emily become a thing".
Lucas says defensively.

"Since I said we were!!".
By now you realise what everyone was whispering about and you faintly whisper your opinion.

You think she doesn't hear you but she does. Next thing you knew she slaps you hard across the face leaving a mark. You hold your face trying to hold in your tears. As she walks of Lucas gives you a big high five.
"Not bad newbie".

You and Lucas make your guys way to the cafeteria. You see Emily and the blonde gives you a look while shaking her head slowly. You quickly look down and make your way to a table.

"Who does that bitch think she is, ugh she's such a slut".
You snap.

"Who? Alison".
He asks.
"She even has a bitchy name".
You whisper.
"Don't worry about her. she's just trying to scare you. who knows because of your confidence she might even let you In her posy".

Lucas lets out a sigh.
Just by that little sigh you know that Lucas wants to be apart of Alison's little clique.

You get your things and make your way out of school. In your way out you wave goodbye to Lucas. When you get you your street you stop in your tracks. Across the street you can see Emily and someone else get out of a car. You are furious at the sight but you also considers that they might actually be going out. As you make your way to your house you run up to your room and scream into a pillow.

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