Part 22 - Enjoy the little things

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Your POV
I woke up to the sound of insects and birds. I stir uncomfortably from what happened last night. I don't regret it one bit but, the after effect kinda sucks.

I turn to face the beautiful brunette sleeping next to me. I stare at her beauty for a few minutes until she eventually decides to flutter her eyes open.

"Morning beautiful"

Emily's POV
"Morning beautiful" when I hear those raspy words escape her mouth I can't help but remember everything that happened.

"Morning gorgeous" I reply.

It not that I don't regret it, its just that this is gonna haunt me for the rest of my life. I practically took advantage of this girl. If she finds out this stupid deal I'm screwed.

I'm in too deep to lose her now.

"We should get going" she says while sitting up revealing her bare back.

I do the same as we both attempt to get dressed under the sheets.

(20 mins later)

I drive up Y/N drive way and help her get out of the truck.

"Thank you you're such a gentlewomen" she says while winking at me.

"Why thank you ma'am" I reply.

I walk with her to her door step and we stop as soon as we reach the door.

"I had a really great time last night Emily" she says.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" I reply.

We stare in each other's eyes for a few moments before Y/N starts to look at my lips while biting hers.
I begin to lean in and so does she.

I swiftly slither my hand from her chest to her neck pulling her into a slow passionate kiss.

"Later babe" I say after breaking the kiss.

I walk into the truck with a huge smile plastered on my face.

That smile soon disappears after I get a text from an unknown number.

'You may have enjoyed last night, but Ali won't when she finds out
- A'

There was a video attachment so I opened it.

I don't really want to get into all the details but let's just say, there were some pretty heated scenes.

There was also another text sent a few seconds after.

'Tell Alison about your little one night stand or I'll tell Y/N about your little deal
- A'

Yassss binches 3K reads radddddd. Nah jk but omg guys thanks.

- Kisses M

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