Part 23 - Good Girl

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Lets keep it short and just say Y/N and emily frickle frackled and yeah.


Alison's POV

Hopefully nothing happened on Y/N's date with Emily. If Emily made a move on Y/N and she responded to it, I would have lost every chance of being with her. Im hooked in deep and I feel like I can't live without her. It's like I can't breath till she's with me.

No thats it. Screw the stupid deal. Y/N will be mine whether Emily likes it or not.

I snap out of my deep thoughts and get ready for school.

Once I'm ready, I text the girls that I might be late. I need to talk to Y/N.

To: 💕Y/N💕

We need to talk. Meet me at the brew before school. URGENT

From: 💕Y/N💕

kk be there in a few xx

I couldn't help but smile at her cute xx's at the end.

I finish up at home and make my way to the brew.


"Hey Ali" Y/N says before kissing me on the cheek.

Her lips linger there for a few seconds before she pulls away.

She kissed me on the cheek. does that count?? No, damn....

"What did you want to talk about?" she asks while taking a seat in the chair in front of me.

" I wanted to talk about the date you had with Emily" I ask nervously.

"What about it?"

"What is exactly did you guys do?" I ask curious.

"We did a lot of things....In several different positions" She whispers her last sentence so I couldn't hear.

"What was that?" I ask now worried.

"oh nothing. Why do you wanna know what we did?" She asks raising an eyebrow.

"I was just checking up. yah know. Watching out for you guys" I say trying to hide the sadness.

"On me or Emily?" she says catching me off guard.

"Um..Both of you......You're my friends. I just want to make sure that if you two do decide to date that I'm 100% okay with it" I say while smiling fakely.

"uhh last time I checked your opinion doesn't matter. whether you're okay with it or not you can't decide, this isn't your relationship Ali!!" she snaps making a bit terrified.

"Im sorry I didn't mean to upset you I was just-"

" you were just what?? Jealous?. I know you like Emily but what you guys had before is long gone okay, so if you're really my friend, you'd stop all this jealousy and get over yourself. You cant have whatever you want Alison" Y/N shouts before getting up and leaving.

Your POV

I get out my phone expecting a text.

My phone buzzes right on que.

'Good Girl. Welcome to the team

- A'


Very short chapter but I have this brilliant idea, well kinda just stay tuned...

- Kisses M

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