PART 21 - Not So Innocent

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Long chapter I guess. I will warn you though, there is gonna be some Fluff/Smut/sexual scenes Etc. but don't worry too much cause I'm not very good at writing it.

Your POV
As Emily and I were driving, I noticed that we were now out of town. I begin to get curious.

"This isn't a normal date is it?" I ask laughing a little.

"Defiantly not. But it is going to be one hell of a romantic one. In my opinion" she replies returning the laughter.

"Can I at least have a hint of where we are going?"

"Somewhere private, and surrounded by nature" she replies with a smile on her face.

"Now I'm interested"

We pull up to a beautiful scenery.

There's a small field next to a giant lake. The water is soo breathtakingly blue.

"This is gawgus" I say in a posh British accent.

"I've seen more gorgeous things" Emily replies making me blush.

"Alright let's get started, follow me" she says while getting out of the truck.

I follow Emily who's now making her way to the back of the truck. I watch as she unlocks the large door thingy covering the trunk.

She then stand next to me and intertwines our fingers.

"Okay, on the count of three we push it up together"
I nod in response and she begins counting.



We both push it up with all our strength and watch as it slowly reveals a perfect sight.

I see a bed with red and white duvet sheets and matching pillows, a Macbook in the middle, rose petals spread across the openness surrounding the bed and a whole bowl of chocolate covered strawberries as well as 2 large boxes of pizzas.

"" I say shocked.

It takes me less then a minute before I'm jumping up and down squealing joyfully.

"Someone's excited" Emily comments.

"Emily. You have no freakin idea how happy I am right now. This looks like something only tumblr girls would experience" I say excited.

"Well, I'm glad I swoon you" she replies.

"You did way more than that" I add.

I watch her as she sits herself on the bed. She reaches out her hand and I gladly take it.

We both get comfortable and end up watching pitch perfect.

Emily's POV
It's been an hour into the movie and I can't stop staring at Y/N. The way she's so into it. A bright smile appears on my face every time she would sing along with one of the songs or lip sync one of Fat Amy's quotes.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Y/N catches me staring.

"Its rude to stare" she says while smirking with her eyes still glued to the screen.

"It's hard not to when someone beautiful and amazing is sitting right next to you" I say hoping to get a good reaction.

Before she could speak, rain drops stared to hit the truck.

"We should probably close the door thingy" Y/N suggests.

"Your so damn adorable," I say before closing it.

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