PART 20 - Dream Dates

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Sorry I'm really lazy so let's just skip all the way to the date with Emily😊😊.

Emily's POV
I'm currently getting. Ready for my date with Y/N. I kinda feel bad for making a deal over her. But I want her all to myself.

I decided to wear something comfortable. Why you ask? So that it's easy to slip off when you know😉😉. Now I know that people think that I'm just innocent little Emily but they're wrong. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

It's 7:30 now that means I have about an hour to get everything set up. I remembered that I told Y/N that I was gonna invite others but I've come up with a genius date that will definitely swoon her. I just need to make a few texts and calls first.

Hey, it's Em. Change of plans, don't invite anyone x

All good. Mind if I ask why?

Its a surprise. I'll pick you up soon Kay xx

Can't wait!! Xx

After I texted Y/N, I Called my cousin Dinah Jane. (For all those harmonizers out there😉. I got u)

(D-Dinah E-Emily)
D- Emily?

E- hey D. So how's the tour?

D- ugh what do you want.

E- what do you mean?

D- Emily we're not on tour, which most likely means you want something.

E- fine you got me.

D- what can I do for you dawg.

E- I need to borrow your Truck.

D- whys dat?

E- because. Listen, I'll tell you everything after but I really need it now.

D- Alright BRUH I'll be at your place in a few

E- thanks D latez.

I love my bond between my cousin. We get each other. I haven't seen her in a while which is kinda why I feel bad for asking of her, but it will soon be worth it. Cause she's worth it.

"Thanks D. You'll get it back tomorrow" I tell my cousin before she gets in another car with one of band mates.

I watch as she opens the door of the car. I hear a loud beat make its way to my ears and immediately recognise the music play.
Damn Dinah and her damn Beyoncé addiction.

I just finish setting up and text Y/N that I was coming to pick her up.

*At Your House*

Knock at the door waiting patiently and it's not long until one of her brothers open the door.

"Oh hi. Bennett right?" I ask the little brunette boy.

"Charlie actually but no biggy. People get me and my brother mixed up all the time. Even our parents, but it's cool sometimes" he responds.

"Oh" was all that left my mouth.

"Y/N's upstairs, I'll go get her" Charlie runs upstairs to get Y/N.

A few second later I hear footsteps.

My head snaps up at the beautiful (your hair colour) making her way towards me.

She's wearing (the outfit in the picture).

"You look beautiful" I compliment her.

"You don't look so bad yourself" she replies making me smile from ear to ear.

"After you mah lady" I say motioning her towards the truck.

"Nice truck, is it yours?" She asks me while jumping in the front seat.

"No, my cousins. But I borrowed it just for our date" I reply happily.

"Now I'm really looking forward to this date" she tells me making my smile even brighter than it was before.

"Oh I'm just getting started" I say while starting the car and driving to our destination.

How's it going boss ass binches. Yall sexy turds been staying out of trouble??
Anyways I came up with the craziest idea for this story. I think you guys are gonna like it 😉😉.

Xoxo Gossip girl.
- Kisses M

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