Your Life In Rosewood PART 6

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Your POV
"Amy. I can't believe your here"

"Me neither. At first I though that you would come over for a visit but then I thought, fuck school I'm gonna go see my girlfriend"

Amy leans in and kisses you passionately. You don't kiss back because you keep thinking about Emily.

"Wow miss me much" you say.

"Yes Actually, a lot" any replies.
You offer her to come inside and she accepts.

"Well I got to get to school but, you can stay here till I get back" you ask her.

"Ok, sure" she replies.

You grab your keys and head to your car. You hear a near by bush moving and jump silently. You get closer to it and you hear it curse.

You've heard that voice before so you go closer.

You see someone tumble lout of the bush.

"Alison what the fuck!?!" You yell. Alison looks up at you with a awkward look.

"I tripped" she announces.

"Into a bush? That's not even near the sidewalk" you state.

"Look. as much pleasure as it would be to be talking to you. I have to go see someone" she snaps while brushing past you.

"Yip she still a bitch". You say in your head.

Alison's POV
I decided not to go to Emily's today and walk the rest of the way to school. As I was getting closer my phone buzzed.

'New deal, do whatever is necessary and don't hurt anyone. That's my job
- A'

Did A really want to help me. Well that's a first.

Your POV
As you make your way to your parking spot your phone buzzes. You park up, get your things and read the text.

'Watch your back, you already have 2 enemies
- A'

You begin to panic inside while making your way over to your friends.

This is just a little filler for now but don't worry it's gonna get juicer. I think. lacking inspiration. Here's some doughnuts 🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩.

- kisses M

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