Not so platonic-Harry Lewis

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You are Harry had been best friends since birth, you loved each other dearly but you never thought about him in a different way, that was until your love was pointed out to you by a tall lanky blonde called Callum.

You were getting ready to film a MoreSidemem video and were in your Chelsea top and shorts, paired with your new blue football boots that Harry had bought you for Christmas. You and Harry arrived and got on with the video, after a few hours of goalkeepers challenges it was now time for skills, which you were great at. Your were the only one to hit the crossbar every time closely follows by Simon who hit 4/5 times, as you were all walking back you tripped over a rock and gasped in shock, as you prepared to fall you suddenly felt a strong pair of arms wrap around your waist, instantly you knew who it was. Once up right again you turned around and wrapped your arms round his neck laughing, kon capturing it all on camera, you knew the fans would go insane even though you explained multiple times you were just friends.

You were now back at your apartment with Harry and got him some of his clothes he left at one of your last sleepovers, your parents always hoped you get together but you would immediately shut them done and giggle about it. He was now changed into his joggers and you came out in your underwear (this was nothing knew) holding joggers and leggings out.

"Leggings or joggers" you asked the blonde-haired boy who sat on your sofa innocently playing on his phone. He thought for a money before replying.

"Leggings, they shape your figure more" he replied. You were confused at first because all you were doing was watching a movie so it was strange he made a comment like that.

As you walked back to your bedroom you looked in the mirror to see him checking your arse out, you were in simple underwear and bra as usual, after seeing his face you wanted to see his face with you in lingerie.

You got dressed and wrapped a blanket around the both of you and ate popcorn, you felt a hand rest on your thigh and didn't think anything of it until he started to shift in his seat uncomfortably.

"What's wrong Haz?" You asked slightly frustrated as you were enjoying the movie.

"Nothing" he said clearly talking out of his arse.

"Well, there is, just tell me," you told him in a soft, soothing voice because you were starting to worry.

He didn't reply his gaze finally reached your eyes and flicked to your lips quickly but not quick enough for you to not notice. You'd never thought about him in that way before but this just felt right like you should have been doing this the whole time. You leaned in and let your lips touch, fireworks went off in your stomach, this was a feeling you thought you would never experience, and you were excited. The kiss started to quicken as your both got hungrier and more passionate, his hand glided up your thigh effortlessly and you tugged at the hem of his shirt. He pulled away and ripped off his shirt in a matter of seconds, you whipped yours off to reveal your perfectly perky boobs, he moaned slightly and you giggle. You straddled him and felt him grow harder and harder underneath you.

"What is happening? I thought we agreed we were, are, platonic!" You moaned as he kissed down your neck.

"We were never platonic and this feels so right" he hummed against your sweet spot.

He picked you up still kissing you but moving to your lips once more and walked to your bedroom, he placed you on your bed never breaking your lips apart. A few swear words, eye-rolling orgasms and giggles later you were tangled in your white sheets with a thick layer of sweat coating you both, you layed on his chest that was rising and falling slower than before. After a long talk you decide to start dating but not tell anyone.

2 months later:

You were in the kitchen in your Lacy thong and one of Harry's t-shirts dancing around making bacon and pancakes when you felt a pair of arm snake around your waist scaring your slightly.

"Morning love" he mumbled in his sexy morning voice.

"Good morning" you cheerfully replied.

"I think we should tell everyone" he asked/stated.

"Really? I'd love to" you spun round to kiss him.

After breakfast you both decided to FaceTime your parents and since it was Sunday it meant that your parents were having their weekly Sunday brunch. There were lots of screams, tears hugs and lovely messages, you even saw Harry tear up for a moment.

'We always knew this would happen one day, all of us have been rooting for you since you met in reception' these words circled through your mind as you thought who to call next, after informing all your family members of the good news you asked all the sidemen to come over but Vik and Tobi already knew.

Everyone squished into the living room and you sat on Harry's lap but no one batted an eyelash as this was also nothing new.

"Spit it out then" Ethan chuckled followed by a few nervous laughs.

"We're dating!" Harry whisper-shouted to everyone.

This was also followed by screams and cheers and even more hugs, we were so happy and couldn't believe the incredible reactions.

"So when's the wedding" Talia joked. Harry and I just looked at each other knowing you would eventually.

A few more months had passed and you decided to tell the viewers on a q&a.

Half way through video:

"Are you dating, if not then when will you be?"

"Yes we are dating and it's been 6 months..." you thought for a few seconds.

"Today love" he finished bringing you away from your thoughts.

"Oh shit, really? Christ I forgot, I need to get you something and then we need to get din-" you were cut of by a warm pair of lips pressed against yours, you smiled and continued with the video, you kept your kiss on so people could see how in love you really were. The response you got was so lovely, you expected every 10th comment to be negative but you couldn't find 1, everyone supported you and you couldn't be happier. That night you layed in bed watching tv as calm as ever knowing not only are you in bed with your soulmate but the person you will go onto marry and have kids with.


Need some requests please, comment some ideas because I need them. Not all of my stories will be this short but I thought I would start it with one just over 1100 words x

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