inappropriate clothing-harry lewis

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You had moved in with your brother a few weeks ago, Simon was a famous person on YouTube, you loved him to pieces however the more his friends come over the more you feel like your gravitating towards one. Harry Lewis aka Wroetoshaw.

It was a rainy afternoon and josh had told you the boys were filming in the lounge so you weren't allowed in, you made plans with Talia and Freya to go out clubbing. You loved Talia because you were only a year and a half younger than her, she being 24 and you being 22. You got changed into a gorgeous white dress, curling your hair and putting in some glam/sparkly makeup.

 You got changed into a gorgeous white dress, curling your hair and putting in some glam/sparkly makeup

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You walked downstairs knocking on the lounge door where you could hear the boys filming.

"Come in" you heard Simon shout.

You opened the door and walked in "I'm going out, I won't be back till early hours of the morning" you smiled. You turned around to walk out until you go interrupted.

"You don't think you're wearing that do you?" Harry stops you in your tracks. Everyone is now looking at Harry confused as to why he is being so protective.

"Simon, tell him I can do whatever the hell I want" you whined at your brother.

"Leave her Harry" he sighed.

"Can I talk to you outside?" Harry asked. You nodded and walked outside shutting the door behind you.

"Look har-" the next thing you know he has shoved you up against the wall and his lips are on you. He slips his tongue into your mouth which you accepts with no hesitation. His hands are on your back, slowly moving further down, your hands are in his hands grabbing hold of it as he pushes you further into the wall. A loud cough interrupts you both, you turn to see josh smirking at you both.

"Your secret is safe with me" he chuckles as he walks back inside.

"Can I go out now?" You asked Harry pecking his lips.

"As long as that dress ends up on my floor by the end of tonight" he smirks.

"Deal" you peck him and run of into a taxi excited to tell the girls about everything.


This one is a lot shorter but I hope you like it, please vote and recommend some stories please x

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