Instagram-Josh bradley

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You were laying on your sofa when you get a notification from Instagram, you didn't have many followers so you wouldn't get many notifications. You decided to check what it was all you saw was that you had a dm, FROM A VERIFIED ACCOUNT!
He went by the name 'zerkaa' a name which you had never heard of before so you presumed it was a knickname.


Hey, you're stunning, I see you live
near me, wanna grab some drinks sometime? X

Hey, thank you, that sounds really fun, I'm free tomorrow, what does that sound x

Perfect, can I get your number? X

Sure it's 07*** *****9 x

Fab x

You decided to stalk his Instagram and saw he was extremely attractive and just your type which excited you as no one was really interested in you after a casual fuck. You saw a message pop up from an unknown number.

Meet me at 8pm at (random bar) x

Sounds great, see you then x

You saw he followed you on Instagram so you decided to follow him back.

The next day (7pm):

You were really nervous about meeting him for some reason, you barely knew him and yet you were meeting him for drinks. You decided to wear a slightly glam play suit with stars on since josh told you earlier on in the afternoon that you were going clubbing. You looked cute so you took a picture and posted it to your Instagram.

 You looked cute so you took a picture and posted it to your Instagram

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Liked by @zerkaa and 4,568 others.
Y/I/N: Ready for a great night
@bethanyyoung: why is josh liking her pictures?
@sidemen_lover: her and josh would be cute, she is
                                  such a stunner.
@katiemorgan: stunner babe x

Katie was a good friend of yours so you decided to FaceTime her and tell her about what was happening maybe try to work out if it was a date or not. It was nearing 8pm so you ordered a taxi and jumped in when it arrived as you pulled up to the pub you got butterflies in your stomach. You walked in and your eyes immediately gravitated towards the tall attractive man sat at the bar scrolling through Instagram with a beer in his hand. You walked over and greeted yourself.

"Hello" you smiled sweetly at him.

"Hi, it's lovely to meet you y/n, I'm really excited to meet you" he replied, this made me smile.

"Same however I presume zerkaa isn't your name so what is it?" You asked awkwardly.

"It is. Is there something wrong with my name?" He said looking slightly annoyed.

"Oh god no, I'm so sorry, I um it's just it's unusual-" you said even more awkward than before.

"I'm kidding, my names josh, I can tell we are going to get along great" he laughed which made you giggle back.

You spent the next few hours chatting, laughing, singing and even a little dancing, you were having a great time with josh and you never wanted it to end so he suggested you came back to his house which he shared with 3 boys Simon, Vik and Jj. You pulled up in a taxi and were astonished by how big his house was, you stepped inside and could hear loads of yelling but josh just laughed and said they were filming.

Josh led you to his room where was abs you both payed on his bed whilst finding a movie to watch, eventually you decided on the nun and cuddled up next to him. You felt your eyes grow heavier and just let them fall.

You woke up to be birds chirping and to see it was now light outside, you looked around to see josh beside you snoring quietly and you just smiled.

A few months later:

You and josh had seen each other almost everyday for the past 8 weeks but nothing has happened between you two which granted you were quite upset about. That was until you sat down to watch a movie.

You were wearing some booty shorts and a tank top wrapped in your favourite blanket with josh cuddled up beside you watching dirty dancing eating loads of snacks and fizzy drinks and you saw josh looking at you in the corner of your eye.

"Yes?" You said slowly turning your head.

"Have I ever told you how stunning you are?" He asked making you blush.

"That was the first thing you ever said to me" you giggled.

"Okay well have I ever told you how much I want to kiss you?" He asked taking you by surprise.

"No, have I ever told you how much I want to rip your clothes off?" You spoke looking him straight in the eye whilst smirking.

Just then he leant downwards and kissed you passionately and hungrily, you knew he wasn't lying when he said he had been wanting to kiss you for ages. You changed positions so he was on top running his hand up your back and down again before resting it on your hip for a bit before squeezing your arse. You tugged at the hem of his shirt and ripped it off in a swift motion because connecting your lips instantly. He whipped your shirt of to reveal your new black bralette, his eyes widened and he elevated your back slightly so that he could take it off, once it was off he attached his lips to your neck and slowly working his way down. As more clothes were thrown about and more moaning were escaping your lips his apartment door opened to reveal all of the sidemen.

"Aghhhhhg, guys stop" you screamed whilst grabbing the blanket from before, before covering yourself and josh then allowing them in.

"Ayyyy yo, I knew you were banging behind closed doors" jj screamed followed by Ethans normal loud laugh. You had met the boys a few times now and had grown particularly close to Harry and Ethan as you had been clubbing a few times.

"What, no. We have never even kissed until now" josh replied panicked but no one believed us.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Josh whispered in your ear to which you giggled.

"Yes" you whispered back and kissed him on the lips then you heard a camera click and saw jj taking a picture of you both.

"Can I post this on Twitter?" He asked. We both said yes as it was pretty obvious based on Instagram stories and who followed me and we wanted it to come out sooner rather than later.

 We both said yes as it was pretty obvious based on Instagram stories and who followed me and we wanted it to come out sooner rather than later

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@ksi: caught in the act @kerkaa @y/t/n (Twitter name) 🥵😍

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