Friends With Benefits-Ethan Payne

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Ethan's POV:
I quit one night stands years ago but there is this girl called y/n that I porked the other day that I can't see to get out of my head, all I want to do is shag her again. I might as well text her.

E: Fancy round 2?

She immediately replied.

My place, 15 minutes, door is open,
don't be late😉😘

I smirked and jumped straight into my car, I drove there with a painfully hard cock excited for what was about to happen.

2 months later:

Y/n and I had now been friends with benefits for a while however I wasn't sure where my head my at right now. She gave me a spare key one day when all the sidemen caught us at my flat so that I could go round to hers instead. I was round her house and it was weird because recently it hasn't been for sex, it's been to watch a film, cook dinner or sometimes even just some company. Y/n was currently cooking dinner for us, I went up to her and wrapped my arms around her waist just wanting a cuddle. She turned around and put her arms around my neck and kissed me gently, unlike any kiss we've shared before, it was soft and yet passionate all at once.

She turned the cooker off and we went into the bedroom, she was looking into my eyes, I was looking into hers, this was intimate. Normally, we're hard and aggressive but this was slow and sensual, I was loving it. Now, she was laying on my chest breathing heavily, I finally perked up the courage to ask her out.

"Y/n, would you maybe want to go on a date with me sometime?" I whispered quickly due to the nerves rising in my body.

"I thought you'd never ask" she smiled at me

Time skip to date:

The date was going amazingly, we walked along the river holding hands and finally we sat down at the restaurant. I could see in the corner of my eye that a waiter was giving her a look I was definitely not comfortable with.

"Hi gorgeous, can I take your order?" I heard seductively from behind me, he walked over and my god he had muscles for days.

"Hi, can I get two glasses of your best red wine please?" Y/n asked politely as always, that's something I admired about her, no matter the situation she was always kind to everybody.

"Come right up" he winked.

"Fucking hell, could we have gotten a worse bloody waiter?" I whispered so just y/n could hear, she grabbed me hand.

"Ethan, I'm here with you, what more could I ask for?" She looked into my eyes as she said this.

A little while after out food had arrived.

"Urm, Ethan?" Y/n said shakily concerning me slightly.

"Yes?" I queered worryingly.

She lifted up a napkin that was clearly under her plate and it read.

Dear Gorgous Girl,
Get rid of that guy next to you and
come find me, call me
07000 736490 ;)

I was really angry but y/n soon calmed me down, she decided she was going to take a photo and send it to the manager and then wipe her mouth on it to ruin the napkin. She grabbed my napkin and wrote 'never in a million years pal'

I laughed, we payed and left. We still wanted to be together so we were walking and came across an ice cream van and got some of their homemade ice cream, probably the best ice cream I've ever had!

We sat on a bench in the park and just chatted for hours, next thing you know it's 3am and everyone else is asleep in the neighbourhood, we'll almost everyone, Harry's probably high somewhere in London.

We got home and walked into the kitchen where y/n started making a cup of tea, I was watching her closely, the way her hair kept getting in her way, the way she panicked for a split second when pouring the hot water.

"I love you" I shocked myself but saying this but it was true and I couldn't deny it any longer.

Our eyes made contact "what?"

"I love you y/n"

She walked over to me and kissed me passionately and then pulled away.

"Slow down Payne it's only the first date"she giggled, I laughed after her and in that moment I've never been happier.

"I love you too, with all my heart" I kissed her gently, we went to bed and I was content, I had the most beautiful woman ever laying in my arms and I actually managed to get her.

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