He needs help-Olajide olatunji

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You are having a normal day when all of a sudden you get called into work, it was your first day off in weeks but someone was in need so you had to go. You arrived at the hospital around 5:30pm, you were the best nurse in the hospital but the patient wasn't out of surgery yet so you were told to comfort the boys that came in with him. All you got was head injury and sharp object through chest, and of course his name...Olajide Olatunji.

You walked up to the boys that looked distraught.

"Hello, did you come in with Olajide Olatunji?" You said sweetly.

"Yeah and I'm seriously surprised you know how to pronounce his name" this was the first time they had stopped crying and the tall blonde boy who had just spoken explained what had happened and introduced me to everyone.

"Don't you have to see some other patients?" Ethan asked.

"Not to sure but I want to make sure you guys are all right first" You replied. This was returned with half a smile, You knew it meant a lot to them to have someone to talk to.

After an hour had past, we all knew each other quite well.

"Any updates?" Vik blurted out.

"Let me check for you" you patted his shoulder as you left.

I returned 30 minutes later:

"Well thankfully boys, your friend is going to survive, he went into tachycardia a few times and we had to slow the surgery down but he should be out in a few minutes" you smiled.

"What is tacky-thingy you said about?" Harry asked looking into my eyes innocently as if in school and he didn't know the answer.

"Tachycardia, it's where your heart rate rises rapidly and beats too quickly, he had at a life threatening number so your lucky Vik asked for updates otherwise I wouldn't have been there to help" you told them.

The next day:

You came back to work to see all 6 boys still there and 3 other people with them who you guessed to be his mum, dad and brother seen as you phoned them yesterday when Olajide was in surgery. You thought about how uncomfortable the chairs were so you decided to wake them up and tell them they could go back to my apartment to rest seen as it was next to the hospital and because it had 2 double beds and 2 sofa to fit all of them on.

"Simon" you whispers and shook him gently. He jumped up quickly and stated at you for a second before registering who you were.

"Is it jj? Is he ok?" He asked panicked.

"Who is jj?" You asked innocently.

"Oh, you would only know him as Olajide but seen as it is a hard name to say we all call him jj. Is he ok?" He seemed more calm this time but still worried about his best friend.

"He's fine but my apartment is next door, I have room for all you boys to sleep" you insured.

"But what i-" he started before I interrupted him "I will get you all when jj wakes up"

"Thank you, will you help me wake up the boys" he asked. "Of course"

As you turned around me saw 3 people watching you who Simon introduced me too, there was Yinka (his mum), Jide (his dad) and Demi (his brother).

You spoke for a minutes minutes and all the boys were up at this point.

"Ill speak to you in a bit, I'm just taking the boys back to my apartment to get some rest, I'm sorry I have no other room" you apologised.

"No worries, you are a lovely person" Yinka stated.

You walked with all the boys and took them up to your apartment.

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