He's wearing a ring- Harry Lewis

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Harry and Emma have been together for almost 5 years now, 18 months ago Harry proposed and just over a month ago they had a gorgeous wedding in Greece. Harry was always fearful of Emma getting hate so he kept her out the spotlight, in fact the public don't even know he's in a relationship. Harry took 4 weeks off work to go on their honeymoon where they travelled all over the world. The fans grew concerned as it was never spoken about and there were rumours that he had left the sidemen altogether. He put the records straight by posting a Polaroid I had taken of him on our balcony on the first night of our honeymoon.

 He put the records straight by posting a Polaroid I had taken of him on our balcony on the first night of our honeymoon

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He wrote under "I've been on my holibobs" a word that he had learnt from his new wife. He slipped his phone into his pocket and they got ready for bed.

Emma POV:
Harry and I were cosied up in bed chatting about our last month together, I've loved his man for so long now that I can't imagine him not being in my life. I yawn loudly and Harry begins to chuckle.

"Go to sleep" he whispered through a laugh.

"Mmm" is all I replied

Vibrations and pings started coming out of Harry's phone, I groaned and told him his phone was going crazy. He reached over me and grabbed his phone of my bedside table and placed it on Do Not Disturb. I hummed a thank you and he wrapped his arm loosely around my torso, soft snores came from him. I slowly drifted off in the comfort of my husbands arms.

Harry's POV:
I woke up to the sun streaming through the curtains, it shone right on Emma's bare back and I smiled peacefully resting my head of her warm back. I reached for my phone and took it off silent and DND only to see hundreds of messages and phone calls from friends. What the fuck?

I gently shook Emma awake and she groaned.

"I think somethings happened" I said trying not to sound too worried. Emma turned over to look at my face, she sat up and put her hand against my cheek.

"What do you mean?" She said sleepily rubbing her eyes and reaching for her glasses on the nightstand.

"I'm not sure, I've only seen Simons message which said everyone knows I'm married" I was worried how she would react, I didn't want her to get hate and I knew she'd hate people knowing who she was.

"Were our wedding photos leaked?" She asked

"Don't think so" I shook my head. She looked at me for a while and then he eyes widened slightly.

"What?" I asked, my voice laced with concern

"The ring" she spoke just loud enough for me to hear

"Fuck Emma, I'm so sorry" I was so worried she would be upset

"Harry it's okay, I promise, no one knows about me anyway" she smiled brightly at me, I sighed a breath of relief.

We decided that I'm not gonna reply to any of the messages or tweets about it and if I want to bring it up then I will.

1 week later:

I am off to film the new Sidemen Sunday today and was going to address some of the rumours that were going round about myself and my personal life. We decided to film a video answering the publics questions.

Half way through the video Tobi's question made me perk up in my seat.

"Where did Harry go? And why is he wearing a ring?" Tobi said smirking, all the boys looked over at me nervously not knowing what I was going to say

"Right so, the short version is I got married just over a month ago and my wife and I were on our honeymoon for a few weeks so that's why I was away. She doesn't want to be in the public eye and I completely respect that, please don't go digging for her and if you see us or know who she is please don't say anything. My wife is the most beautiful person I know, inside and out, I don't want anything like this to upset her. But our wedding was beautiful, and everything I've ever wanted. I know I probably should've been more transparent with the public about being in a relationship but I didn't think it was a necessary for you guys to know. By yeah" I spoke quietly at the end getting nervous

"It was a gorgeous wedding" Tobi smiled over at me

The video ended and I drove home to my gorgeous wife in the kitchen making a homemade curry.

Emma's POV:

"I'm home" I heard Harry shout as he walked through the door taking his shoes off and placing his keys in the key bowl.

"Hi, good day?" I asked beaming at him

"Mmm, good" he wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzles his head into my neck taking a deep breath out and relaxing into me.

"Tired?" I giggled at him

"Yeah, dinner smells really good thank you" he kissed my cheek and went to have a shower

10 minutes later

"Harry, dinner" I walked into our bedroom to see him in his boxers, I smirked and walked away. He raced into the room pulling a shirt t-shirt over his head and sitting down next to me.

"Thank you" he tucked straight in and we sat in comfortable silence enjoying some well deserved food.

"Good day, how was work?" He asked me

"Busy, but it was good, Jennifer was in and wouldn't shut the fuck up though, I got barely any work done but she's boss' niece so I can't say anything and- " I took a deep breath out to calm myself "sorry" I smiled apologeticly

"It's okay" he took my hand "is she still with the boyfriend?"

"No, he cheated. What. A. Shock. You wouldn't have thought that the guy she got with would cheat on her when they met by him cheating on his girlfriend of 2 years with her!" I laughed loudly, we both smiled and returned to our food, stealing glances of each other every few seconds. Who would've thought after almost 5 years together I still can't take my eyes of the man?

After dinner, Harry cleared away the table and cleaned the kitchen, he came in with 2 cups of tea and some biscuits.

"Thank you" I said as he handed me the hot mug.

"Welcome" he replied

We sat on the sofa cuddled up under a light pink blanket enjoying each other's company, same as most nights. I'm thankful I met him, I wouldn't have it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22 ⏰

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