I hate him-Simon Minter

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"I hate him" you complained to your brother, josh. He had asked you to be in the newest sidemen video (hide and seek in a abandoned school) and you agreed but you hated one of his friends, Simon Minter, aka miniminter. You don't know why you hate him so much but he just gets on your nerves, yes he is relatively attractive and yes he is funny but you just hate him.

"Come on y/n, I know you hate him but you both need to grow up" Josh said sternly.

"Fineeeeee" you moaned.


You and josh were walking to the entrance and you immediately saw him, he looked really hot right now which annoyed you, he was laughing with Harry about some dumb joke he had made. You walked over to Tobi as he was Josh's best friend so you knew him well, you were having a nice conversation until kon said they were ready to film, you were about to start when Simon decided to open his mouth.

"Hey y/n you look nice...for you" he mumbled the last bit, you clenched your fist and swung at his jaw which was followed by a satisfying grunt. Everyone started saying how pathetic you two were and you just smirked whilst Simon just was holding into his jaw glaring at you. Once everyone had calmed down they did the intro.

"And we are joined by a very special guest...Y/N!" Vik yelled as I jumped into shot, you could feel someone's eyes on you but didn't take any notice. Once you were all given cameras and told to run (jj was seeking) you ran off and started looking around to find the perfect spot, you found a spot and went inside but then heard footsteps behind you, you turned around to be faced by him.

"What the hell are you doing here?" You asked.

"Hiding, what does it look like" suddenly the wind picked up and the door slammed shut, you went to open it but it was now locked.

"Dammit" you whispered.

"Are you too weak?" He teased.

"You try it then you fuckwit" you yelled.

"Gladly" he smirked but also failed, you sat down on the floor and he sat on the other side, 10 minutes had passed and it was extremely awkward, Simon started filming and saying that we were locked in a room and we had no service, you laughed along with him so that the fans wouldn't know how much you hate each other.

After a few more minutes of filming, he put the camera down and you went back to the awkward silence that was all too familiar, you thought about why he hated you and then why you hated him, you looked up at him but he was staring at the wall with a blank expression written across his face, you wanted to be friends you knew he was lovely deep down.

"why do you hate me?" you blurted out which took you by surprise, he turned his head with a look on confusion.

"i dont hate you, when we met you were cold and acted angry towards me, so i assumed you hated me" he inched closer to you until you were sitting opposite one and another with you legs crossed. "that was over a year and a half ago, you know i act nicely around the other boys, to be honest with you i had just found out my boyfriend of 2 years had cheated on me so i wasnt in the right mindset" you dont normally tell people that but you were happy you told him.

"Now who would dream of cheating on you?" he smirked, to which you laughed.

"Trust me i wasnt surprised, im not a great person nor am i attractive" you laughed but he looked at you angrily as if you had said something wrong.

"y/n, i may not have been a great person to you and for that i apoligise but ive seen the way you light up a room when when you walk into it, cheer up everyone when no one else can and i think you're extremely attractive if i do say so myself" he looked into you eyes longingly.

Before, if by accident, you caught his eyes and you saw them long enough before he rolled them they were a dark grey full of evil and disgust but now looking into his incocent eyes you saw him differently, his dark blonde hair sat messy but gorgeous on his head, the way his full lips curved at the edge and his eyes; his eyes were like the ocean in the summer sun, two sapphires indented into his perfect skin, eyes that you coulkd get lost in all day.

"Have i ever told you you have incredible eyes?" you smiled.

"no actually, i dont think you have ever complimented me" he said a little quieter whilst leaning forward creating tension between the both of you, your breath hitched in the back of your throat and your cheeks turned a dark shade of pink.

"Well I'm gonna do it more often" you whispered whilst leaning in closer. You were now centimetres from his lips and his breathe was teasing you as it hit your bottom lip, this was perfect because you realised you dint hate him, you liked him, maybe a little too much.

"This is wrong" he whispered. "so wrong" you whispered back.

Just then he swiftly closed the gap asnd kissed you, his soft lips on yours was everything you ever wanted and more, his hand made its way to your hip and you reached your arms behind his neck pulling on his hair lightly, you grinned into the kiss and he slipped his tounge into your mouth. You let out a small moan that you hoped he wouldnt hear but you coukd tell he had from the fact he pulled away and giggled which was the sexiest laugh you had ever heard. You pulled him back to meet your lips once more and he began kissing your jawline and made his way down to your neck searching for your sweet spot and once he found it you tilted your head back and moaned, he latched on and sucked harder.

Suddenly you head muffled voices from down the corridor, then you realised it was jj and Simon pulled away from you, you listened.


Your heads snapped to look at each other before you started yelling at them that you were stuck, they burst through and simon immediately got to his feet and held out his hand, you took it freeling butterflies develop in you stomach and stood up. Everyone looked at you weirdly knowing that simon would never help me up, and if he did you would decline or he would drop you.

"y/n...whats that on your neck" josh said,your hand flew up to your neck realsing what it was.

"simon...why is my sisters lipstick all over yout mouth" he said slowly, you heard all the boys whisper 'oh shit' or 'damnnn, simons pulling' you didnt know what to do but you looked and simon and you both nodded knowing what to do.

"You said to get along" he laughed in unison, joining hands and sprinting away as quick as you could, you could hear josh swearing and yelling at you but in the end it all worked out, he was happy for you and now you were happier than ever. You were sat on the sofa in yout boyfriends arms and you couldnt imagine it any other way.

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