Lord Blame

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|Napoleon DiStefano|

My mother has always told me that I get myself into trouble, that it might come knocking on my door, but that I willingly open the door to it. This is one of those times where I bow down and think she's right.

I got into this mess myself. I have no one to blame but me and my stupid need to always come out on top. The thing is, neither of my parents are submissive so there's no other way for me to be. Blame it on them, not me.

Anubis won the stupid game and now she's going to paint my nails...with glittery nail polish, which someone had to go buy because there wasn't any here. Shall I also mention that she's wildly drunk? She laughs at everything which makes me laugh too because it's so silly.

She jumped onto my bed and lay on her back, looking up at the ceiling with a foolish smile, like a schoolgirl who is in love with a teacher. Been there, done that; my father said that it happened to him too.

"Don't you feel extremely lucky every day?" Anubis inquired as I sat across from her, giving my back to the pillows.

My right eyebrow arched "Any reason in particular?" I placed the variety of glittery nail polishes on her stomach.

Her head turned so our eyes would meet "Your family and everything you guys have like love and unconditional support," she sat up slowly with her legs parted, facing me.

"Do you really like talking about the subject that much? Are you a masochist?" I placed my hands on my knees.

Her eyes glanced down at the nail polishes "I ask because—" she burped and let out a soft giggle "sorry, um, I ask because I have a book where I write happy memories from other families. You know how people remember warm memories with their loved ones when they're sad? Well, I borrow them to smile a bit whenever it gets dark inside."

"Inside?" I carefully asked as she unscrewed the lid off a bottle with glitter nail Polish of all colors.

"You know, my thoughts and everything," she silently replied, taking my right hand to commence her vengeance. "I don't have as many suicidal thoughts as before but whenever I have a bad day, they come back."

A frown appeared upon my face; I can't relate to her because I've never had one suicidal thought in my life "Did you ever visit my uncle Emiliano?" He's the psychiatrist for the Athenas, mainly because the work place is the same as aunt Angela's, his wife.

The woman nodded "I did for ten years and he helped me a lot, but there are traumas that your shrink can't talk out of you," a smile appeared on her lips as she finished my right thumb. "Look, it's perfect," her excitement was the one of a child who just got ice cream for dinner instead of veggies.

My lips curved into a smile "It is, Nunu, good job."

Her cheeks turned a soft shade of red "Did you just give me a nickname?"

I nodded "It's cute, right? Or do you prefer not being called—"

"No, I like Nunu," she looked back at my nails. "Let's continue, these nails aren't going to paint themselves!"

I chuckled "Shh, we don't want to wake up Brad."

"Ohhh," she shushed herself "you're right," she whispered. Her breath smells like whiskey which doesn't bother me, I have brothers who like to party a lot and I've picked them up many times when they can't even make up a sentence.

It took her around twenty minutes to finish my nails and toes, the latter she sort of messed up but she was having the time of her life.

"Done," she secured the lid on the nail polish and sat on her heels before gripping my shoulders. "Napoleon, I had never had a slumber party, girls at the house didn't like me because I was your mom's favorite," she whispered, slightly shaking me. "This has been—" she burped "the best life of my fucking night," her face turned into confusion, obviously because of the wrong order of the words in her sentence. "Let me correct that: this has been the best night of my fucking life."

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