Lord Overflow

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|Napoleon DiStefano|
|A month later|

Have you ever looked at a void in the face? Have you evert felt like your life is fucking over? I have but maybe I'm just being overdramatic, and my life isn't really over...the thing is, that love is really over for me.

I'm only marrying Moor because I made a promise to her. Maybe once we have children some of my joy will be restored.

I don't know what happened in Monaco. I don't understand why she left me there and broke my heart in such a way. I miss her every single fucking day, even if I can't remember most days since I spend them drowned in alcohol, looking at pictures of her in the yacht.

Maybe she just used me. I don't know where the fuck she is...my mother has apparently given instructions to everyone who knows to keep it secret; Amara wants to know where she is too, to visit her but she's not allowed to know either.

The thoughts of what my life could've been with Anubis in it constantly overwhelm me and they never leave my fucking head alone. The last month my dad has taken care of the business, because Artemis isn't fond of dealing with many people and because she's been busy with the stupid double-wedding that's happening tomorrow.

"Ahhh!" I threw my glass filled with whiskey at the door and watched the liquid run down the wood painted in white. My breathing was heavy and I didn't stay to wait for my mother or any of my siblings to come yell at me.

"Napoleon DiStefano!" My mother shouted as I rushed down the stairs of the French chateau.

"Leave me alone, mother!" I shouted back.

"COME BACK HERE THIS INSTANT OR I'LL MAKE YOU BLEED!" She might kill me when I come back but for now, I'll just hide outside.

My feet took me across the vast backyard until I reached the section where the big trees start. Beyond the trees there's a little body of water which is normally filled with life, but since we are getting married in February, it's too cold for any of he ducks and such. Whatever my mom likes to fill it with.

I lay back on the grass and opened my mouth to place the bottle against my lips and drink; that's the only thing I seem to do correctly these days. Moor doesn't know of my behavior, nobody know that I'm a drunk these days but my parents, Nikolai and Brad. They hide me from the others, even if I'm quite good at hiding myself.

"Why did you leave me Anubis?" my eyes filled tears. "I miss you so much, princess..." I looked to my left, expecting to find her there but instead, I saw a pair of shoes. "Fuck," my eyes moved up to look at the person and it was Nikolai. How the fuck does he appear everywhere? "What do you want? I'm okay tormenting myself, I don't need your help with that, asshole," I looked forward and let out a deep sigh.

Nikolai sat down to my right, after placing down a Hermes blanket "Why are you marrying Moor if it makes you so fucking miserable?" he inquired.

"Leave me alone, Nikolai," I simply replied, without giving his question a space in my brain. He didn't say anything for a couple of minutes so I voiced my thoughts "What in the world did I fucking do to deserve such a pain in my heart?"

Nikolai sighed "She's still out there, Napoleon, you can call off this fucking show and go look for her."

"I can't do that," I simply replied. "I made a promise to marry Moor."

"You were willing to break it when Anubis was here. Now you don't want to because you don't have a backup or what?" he asked in such a rudely manner.

"Leave me the fuck alone, Niko–"

"Karina died, Napoleon," he stated, immediately gaining my attention. "We didn't break up, she didn't leave and I most definitely didn't cheat on her." Those are strenuous news but I don't know how to process them at the moment; it's the rum that makes me numb. Cute, it rhymed.

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