Lord Inquiry

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|Napoleon DiStefano|

I thought I knew what pain was, I really did. I've been ready to face death for over two decades now; the first time I saw it was at the age of ten: one time my parents had just finished torturing someone and they came up in the middle of the night, silently but I had been awake for hours, and I peeked my head out of the door to find my mother with blood splattered on her face. There was no fright in me, she was wearing the marks of a warrior who's trying to make this a better world. For some many years, until now, I thought that death couldn't faze me...until I was on my knees in a greek supermarket, holding Anubis and begging her not to leave me.

None of that makes sense. My mind is like a big tangled yarn and the knots keep getting in the way of clarity. It's all going a thousand miles per hour and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"Napoleon," my father said as he squatted down in front of me with a frown "come on, you need to change–"

"She could die, babbo," I looked up from my bloody, trembling hands "she could die and the last thing I would have of her would be the blood on my hands and clothes," I told as tears fell down my cheeks.

My dad's frown deepened "She's not going to die, Napoleon. She's strong," his right hand reached to caress my right cheek. "She has only been in there for an hour–"

"Why were you following us?" I abruptly asked, looking into his eyes.

The man let out a deep sigh and sat down on the floor "Your mother was worried about you and Anubis; you know how controlling she is. If it makes you feel better, we haven't been spying on you for the last two weeks, just the last two days," he commented, getting a weak smile out of me. "I've been shot in the abdomen too and it hurts like a bitch, but Anubis is a thousand times stronger than I am–"

"She's pregnant, dad," I confessed. "I'm worried the bullet might've killed the baby and its mother," the scenario grabbed me by the throat.

His eyes widened "Anubis is having a baby?"

"How will I be able to survi–" the door behind my dad swung open and there stood my private surgeon that travels everywhere with me. "How is she?" I immediately got up from the floor and felt a knot in the back of my throat.

Doctor Kimathi showed me a soft smile "She's okay, Napoleon," he told in his soothing Kenyan accent "and the baby is too. Whoever shot that shot was either a bad snipper or didn't want to kill her; the bullet missed every major vessel and organ," he stated. "She'll be moved to the suite and I'll be here 24/7 to take care of her, okay?"

An instant rush of wrath flooded my veins, but I kept myself calm; the most important thing right now is Anubis and our baby "Thank you, Reth; I will never be able to repay this," my arms embraced him tightly as I squeezed my eyes close, releasing all the tension and stress; she's alive and that's all that matters.

Reth chuckled softly as he hugged me back "Don't be stupid, Napoleon," he gently pushed me away with a smile "this is my job and maybe your island would be nice for my honeymoon," Reth shrugged.

My lips curved into a smile "Anything you ask for will be yours."

Reth has been part of my team for seven years now and he graduated every school he attended as top of his class; reason why I poached him on his first year as an attending in a hospital in Paris. Well, the story is a bit longer and it involves me cutting myself with an expensive vase to then end up in an emergency room without anyone knowing I was there; I was too ashamed to ask someone to take me to the hospital and my Doctor from back then was asleep.

Once the bed with my princess was outside of the OR, I followed the people up to the suite along with my team and dad–Anubis will be moved to our house in the Italian countryside as soon as Reth says she can be moved, and there she will be tended to better than at any hospital.

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