Lady Bloodline

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|Anubis Von Hearth|

I was paralysed when the woman wrapped her arms around me, all I could do was look at my fiancé and feel frightened; I want to know everything about my biological mother, but it's still immensely scary.

"Please come in," Nubia said as she stepped back with a big smile.

I glanced at Napoleon and he just gave me a quick nod with a small smile which gave me the courage to walk inside. The flat is quite nice and big with an open-space plan and big windows that made it look even bigger.

"Would you like something to drink or eat?" She asked, entering the kitchen.

"Do you have tomato juice?" Napoleon asked with all the confidence in the world—it has to do with being raised to make the world his'.

Nubia nodded "How about your sweet angel?" She asked with her eyes on me.

"You know nothing about me," I answered calmly with my eyes on hers "you don't know if I'm sweet or mean, if I like tea or coffee, if I'm allergic to peanuts or if I feel anxious around too many people, and that's what I'm here to ask you."

The woman frowned "Anubis we knew nothing of you when Bastet's body was given to us; it wasn't until ten years later when I finally had the courage to go through her belongings from the convent that I found an ultrasound hidden in the back of a book, but you were long gone from that place and we tried looking for you, but we didn't succeed...your abuelo and I prayed every night for you to be okay, and we still do till this day."


Tears formed in my eyes "But why did you send my mother to that place? Why couldn't she be with you and marry or not marry whoever she wanted? Why did you have to restrict such freedom from her?" I asked desperately and my fiancé gently rubbed my arms as he stood behind me.

She seemed surprised of my confidence and strength to just talk to her like that "Mi amor," her hands raised to my face to gently wipe the tears away "maybe you should take a seat and we'll talk about it, okay? I promise I will explain everything and answer whatever question you—"

(My love.)

"Nubia, mujer ¿qué es este escándalo que se oye por toda la casa?" In came a tall man with a long nose, high cheekbones, deep green eyes, thin lips and abundant silver hair. He's also wearing a deep grey suit, as if he were on his way for work.

(Nubia, woman what's this scandal that can be heard all over our home?)

"León, esta persona es tu nieta; es la hija de Bastet, cariño—su nombre es Anubis," she said to him and the man's gaze immediately changed from annoyance to utter disbelief and melancholy.

(León, this person is your grandchild; she's Bastet's daughter, sweetheart—her name is Anubis.)

The man took a step towards me "Anubis..." he breathed out as if he had been holding in his breath for the longest time "can I give you a hug?" He choked up as tears immediately ran down his cheeks.

I wish I could say no because he too shipped my mother off but he's my grandpa, and without even knowing him personally I already love him "Ye-yes," my voice trembled.

León immediately threw his arms around me to hold me tightly as he sobbed "Mi niña," he whispered, cradling the back of my head "te he buscado por todas partes, mi pequeña."

(My girl, I've been looking for you everywhere my little girl.)

My lower lip quivered as I hugged him back tightly. By the way he is holding me, I can tell that he really feels what he's saying and that he has truly missed me even if he has never met me before.

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