Lady Bows

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|Anubis Von Hearth|

It's 3 am and we've finally made it to Monaco. I didn't sleep a wink during the flight to not mess up my schedule. All of the boys, including Napoleon, fell asleep. Napoleon tried staying awake by talking to me but he was exhausted.

He's spoiled; he's used to sleeping the necessary hours.

Even that is a luxury these days.

"Since when do you wear reading glasses, poser?" Brad teased me as I reached the bottom of the stairs.

My right eyebrow arched "Didn't you use cloth napkins in Milan to make your tiny dick look bigger so you could impress a girl?"

Maximo, Nikolai and Lorenzo laughed "I can only imagine what she has seen traveling with you clowns," Maximo commented.

"Many unnecessary things, that's for certain," I stated.

"But we always have the best of times," Napoleon said, standing behind me.

I looked over my shoulder with a soft smile "That's for certain too. And yes, Brad, I don't wear reading glasses but they're pretty and I wanted to try them," I opened the passenger's seat of the black Range Rover and placed down my bag. "So, gentlemen," I turned around to look at them and they were already looking at me "where are we going? Hotel or do you want to hit some casinos?"

"We are going to sleep," Napoleon stated before anyone could open their mouths. "I don't want anyone having a hungover in our first 24-hours here," the man said.

"You're extremely boring," Lorenzo said.

"Shut up and get in your car," my boss said before hopping into the driver's seat of the Range Rover.

A chuckle left my mouth as I got into the car "I see who's going to be the daddy on this trip," I told, buckling my seatbelt.

"The daddy?" He said with a nervous laugh "don't be silly, princess," that's like the third or fourth time he calls me that in twenty-four hours. It kind of makes me blush...and I like it.

I showed him a soft smile "You're just behaving like a dad, Nelon, that's why I called you that; it's not always sexual but now I know one more thing about you and it also shows me that you think with your cock."

He gasped, seemed horrified "I shall not be insulted in such manner. I might be a cock-holder but I am no dumb bitch, like most of the people who identify with the same gender as I do."

"Aww," I patted his shoulder "poor you, has the patriarchy not given you enough privilege, cock-holder?"

Napoleon gave me a menacing look but he doesn't scare me "Do you want me to tickle you again?"


"What kind of fucking talk are you two having?" Brad's voice cut out conversation. "I cannot ride in this car; the sexual tension is too dense for me not to ask inappropriate questions or talk about how hot you would look fucking each other or maybe who would be the top—"

"That's enough, Bradley," Napoleon scolded.

"Whatever, bye stupid bitches," he closed the door and I watched him walk to the car behind ours.

Bradley is not here as Napoleon's chauffeur but as his friend. I mean, Bradley is not a chauffeur, he is my partner but he drives the car all the time.

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