Chapter 6: Wishful Thinking

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I groaned as my sister tried on another dress when the bell rang above the bridal shop door. "Serenity!" My sister squealed in a yellowish dress that made her look like a dried up carrot.

"Hey, Liv, what are you wearing?" Serenity said with disgust as they hugged each other.

"I kind of liked it." Liv shrugged and Ren shook her head.

"You look like a thin, squeezed out lemon." Ren said making my sister laugh.

"Fine, I'll go try another one on." Liv walked back into the dressing room and I looked Ren up and down. She wore grey tennis shoes, ripped up denim shorts, a black/ silver corset top, and a leather jacket. Her hair was in a fish-tail braid and her lips were a dark purple, I hardened at her appearance. She sat next to me and twirled her hair in between her fingers.

"How's Maggie?" I asked making Ren look up at me.

"She's better, she's had to wake me up a couple times but nothing really happening with Sal." Ren shrugged and I leaned closer to her.

"If you call, Ren, I'll come help." I said and she gave a weak smile.

"I know but I think that it would be best if we kept our distance from each other." She shrugged making me confused.

"And why would we do that?" I asked and she bit her lip before looking at me.

"I can't handle losing you too, Hunter." She looked back at my sister who walked out in a magenta dress. "Oh, hell no." She chuckled at my sister who laughed right back. She couldn't handle losing anybody else? What was she talking about? She said the same thing the other day. That's when I remembered her dad, he suffered from PTSD after he got back from war. I shook my head when Liv walked back into the dressing room.

"I'm not you're father, Serenity." I whispered and she dropped her head to her lap.

"I know, but I still can't take that chance. You can help with the attic and Mags but that's it. Rules are rules, and the biggest rule is don't touch me." She said standing and walking over to a dress rack before I could reply.

Serenity's P.O.V.

I walked back into my house and set the groceries on the counter. "Fate, Nick, Maggie, I'm home." I shouted putting the milk into the fridge. Maggie wrapped her arms around both of my legs which made me immobile.

"You're friend is annoying." Nick said as he and Fate came into view. I chuckled as they began to bicker. Maggie sat on the counter as we are potato chips and chuckled at the two people in front of us.

"Mama Serenity, why won't the bad man leave me alone?" She whispered suddenly and I looked at her, hurt growing in my heart.

"I don't know, Mags, but I won't let him hurt you." I replied kissing her forehead, praying I could keep that promise.

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