Chapter 4: Excepting Serenity

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Hunter's P.O.V.

I laid in bed staring at the ceiling and all I could think about was Serenity. She was a witch, that itself would've been unbelievable. But then she started talking about seeing the dead and controlling the elements. If it wasn't for the fact that I saw Ren's father in that attic I probably would've called her crazy. Now, I don't know what to think. This was all too insane. I rubbed my face and my alarm read three a.m. "Ugh," I groaned before throwing the covers off of me and swinging my legs over the side of my bed. I got up and walked down to my kitchen. I poured a glass of water and when I turned around the woman from Serenity's house was in my kitchen. The glass in my hand smashed on the floor and I swore.

"I wouldn't use that language but that's just me." She shrugged before sitting at the table in the dining room. She was pretty but not my type. She had black, short hair, her eyes were a very pale blue that they almost looked white, and she wore a white, floor length dress.

"How'd you get in?" I asked leaning against the counter crossing my arms over my bare chest.

"I'm an Angel, dear. I teleported in," she smiled and I shook my head.

"An angel? Well, let's add that to the list of crazy." I mumbled and in an instant she was in front of me. She flicked me in the head and it hurt way more then I thought it would. She was back in the chair and I rubbed my forehead.

"I do not have time for your earthly thoughts. You need to get over this and help Serenity." She said placing her hands on the table.

"I think Serenity can handle herself, Angel lady." I said not knowing what to call her. She stood but didn't move closer to me.

"My name is Fate. And usually Serenity can handle it, that is why she was given the gifts. However, the fact that her father is in her attic, I don't think she will survive this time. She has done amazing things and Lucifer does not like her. Her dreams are getting worse and I think they will start effecting her physically. And usually she would've gotten rid of the evil spirits by now but I believe she is still thinking that the evil in her attic is still her father. You saved her many moons ago, you two bonded in that way. If you hide away from her for too long, Hunter David Wilde, then I'm afraid that Sal will ultimately destroy his daughter." Fate walked to me with an elegance that looked foreign to me. "I've tried to protect Serenity but it's up to you to save her again." Then the mystical woman disappeared from my house. I sighed and I looked at the clock on my stove. 3:30 glowed green and I shook my head. I went upstairs, pulled on my jeans, a shirt, and my boots before grabbing my truck keys and heading towards Serenity's house. Something in my gut ate at me, I needed to go talk to her. When I got to the door Maggie answered it and a scream ripped through the dark house.

"Mama Serenity," Maggie sniffled as a tear rolled down her cheek. I shut the door behind me and ran upstairs to Ren's room.

"Serenity!" I grabbed her shoulders and she jolted from her sleep. Her face was inches away from mine and tears streaked down her flushed cheeks.

"It was so real." She whimpered as her arms held her middle. I pulled her forehead to mine and smoothed her hair.

"It wasn't, you're fine." I reassured her and I just held her.

"Is Mama Serenity okay?" I heard Maggie ask and Ren chuckled.

"I'm fine, Maggie. Go back to bed." Serenity said as we parted and Maggie hugged her before walking down the hall.

"Can you hand me my phone, Hunter?" She asked and I furrowed my brow in confusion but did it anyway. She dialed a number before putting it to her ear. "I'd like to report a murder. 23 Chestnut Road, it happened tonight. I heard some screaming from the house, just make sure that Marsha is found." She hung up before she mumbled something I couldn't pronounce.

"What was that all about?" I asked still sitting next to her.

"My dreams are real, maybe not to me but to other people. I see, feel people get murdered. It's not fun," she chuckled nervously as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Do you need something to drink?" I was gonna get up to get her a drink but she grabbed my wrist.

"Don't leave," she whispered and she pulled me to her. She wrapped her arms around me and I put mine around her. "Can you stay, I don't think I'll be able to go back to sleep?"

"I'm not gonna leave you, Serenity." I said and we parted. I took my boots off, got under the covers of her bed, and leaned against the head board. Serenity laid her head on my chest and I smiled as she drifted off to sleep. I felt my eyelids begin to close and it felt good to have Serenity in my arms.

Serenity's P.O.V.

I woke up to an empty bed and the house smelled like bacon. I walked down the stairs and Maggie's laughter filled the kitchen. Hunter was at the stove talking in a really bad Italian accent and he pretended to be an assistant chef to Maggie who was covered in flour. Maggie sat on the counter, I walked over and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Morning, Mama Serenity." She giggled and Hunter smiled at me.

"Morning, Maggie. Morning Hunter, question why is she covered in flour?" I asked leaning on the counter on the other side of him and I crossed my arms over my chest. I wore a faded blue, Smurfs t-shirt that I cut a V at the collar. It was a little small so it would rise up and I was in black shorts that were a few inches above the middle of my thigh.

"Well, see, we tried to make pancakes and failed miserably. So, instead we decided to cook bacon and eggs. We already cleaned the mess on the counter." He said and I could still see that the flour was still sitting on the counter in between him and Maggie.

"You cleaned the counter but not Maggie. Why?" I questioned and he grinned at me.

"Because she wanted to do something." He shrugged before ducking. Maggie picked up a huge handful of flour and threw it at me. I was covered from head to toe and they laughed. Hunter was hunched over in laughter and I glared at him. Then an idea formed in my head.

"You know Maggie, I don't think it's fair to Hunter that we're the only ones covered in flour." I said winking at her. We both grabbed handfuls of flour and Hunter didn't have time to react as we threw the flour on him. And that's how the flour war began. Hunter dumped the bag on top of my head and I was grateful that I had another bag of flour that he didn't know about. Revenge is sweet. Thirty minutes later we were out of flour and all three of us were covered in white. Maggie smiled at us and Hunter wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my neck and I laughed at him. We were covered in flour and yet he still made me feel beautiful, just like he did in high school. A throat cleared and I turned to look at my very angry uncle.

"Hi, Paige, I see you're having fun." He said and I cringed. Hunter held me tighter like an over-protective boyfriend would and Maggie tilted her head in confusion. Fate appeared next to Nick and she hit his upper arm.

"Oh, leave them alone Nicholas. They are enjoying life, something you should learn to do." She argued and he then glared at her. He turned back to us and he studied Hunter.

"You're the boy who saved her eight years ago." He stated and I cringed again, he had to bring that up.

"Way to open that wound again, Nick." I rolled my eyes at him.

"I need to talk to you." He said and Fate shook her head.

"Come on, Mags, let's get you cleaned up." Hunter said before releasing me, making me miss his warmth, and picking Maggie up. Fate followed him upstairs and I grabbed a towel to wipe my face. I turned to the sink and wetted it.

"How could you be so careless?" And the lecture began.
So, what do you think about Nick? Do you think he might've over reacted? Or do you think that Serenity isn't taking anything seriously? What about Hunter, should he had acted differently or was it destiny for him to react that way? Let me know what you think. Tell me how you feel about Sal Magomery, Serenity's dad! Also, Serenity doesn't know Fate is an Angel. Thanks, I loved writing the FLOUR WAR part! I've always wanted to do it but it doesn't seem like it's gonna happen anytime soon. (SAD FACE!!!) :,(
P.S. I blame my parents for that one!!!

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