Chapter 8: A Rainy Day

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Serenity's P.O.V.

Maggie slept with her head on my lap and I ran my fingers through her hair. "Why aren't you with him right now?" I heard Nick ask as I looked up from the sleeping child on my lap.

"I don't understand what you're talking about?" I whispered feeling completely exhausted and vulnerable.

"You care about him, Serenity. I don't know why you're torturing yourself like this. You deserve to be happy, and he makes you happy." Nick picked up Maggie who snuggled into his chest. "I'll take her to bed, you go make it right with him." Nick walked up the stairs and I sighed pinching the bridge of my nose, biting my lip. I stood and smoothed the wrinkles out of my white, lace sundress. My curly hair flowed around me and I slipped on my lace, cream flats before grabbing my keys. I prayed I wasn't making a mistake as I pulled into Hunter's driveway. Rain started to pour down and I ran to the front door. I knocked but no answer, I sighed then noticed the barn door was open. I ran over to the barn and Hunter stood by one of the stalls.

"Hunter..." I said and he turned to look up at me. I was drenched from head to toe, I was shaking violently but tried not to show it.

"What the hell, Serenity Paige? Are you crazy, you could get sick? Or crash the car, you know how bad the roads get." He said walking over to me, taking off his jacket, and putting it around my wet shoulders.

"I had to come talk to you." I said my teeth chattering together, I took a minute and finally got warm.

"Look, Ren, I'm tired and don't need to hear the speech all over again." He shook his head and I felt anger flutter in my belly. I took off his coat, my anger giving me heat.

"Really? Mm, I hadn't realized that you could read minds. Go ahead tell me what I was going to say to you." I said flinging his coat at him. One thing I hated, was people trying to figure out what I was going to say before I said it. Are you in my brain? No, them shut the hell up!

"You're gonna talk about how you can't lose anyone because of the military. That, even though you don't admit it, you're terrified what happened to your dad will happen to me. But, we can still be friends... honestly, Serenity, I can't just be friends with you." He said and it felt like I was on fire.

"First of all, yea I'm fucking terrified that you're not gonna come back from war. And even if you do, there's a good chance you won't be you. Second of all, don't try to figure out what I'm gonna say because that's not what I was gonna say at all. And finally, I can't be friends with you either Hunter. Damn it, I've had a crush on you since freshman year of high school. I want you, just like I did eight years ago. But there is no way in hell I'm just gonna let you try to put words into my mouth. I'm terrified, yes and before I let my fear control me. Not anymore but I'm not gonna let you just stand there and look like an idiot. I'm going home and when you're done being a jack ass give me a call." I said walking back into the freezing cold rain until I was spun around. Hunter's lips captured mine in a heated kiss that warmed my insides. His arms held my waist close to his and I felt his bodies heat wrap me in a cocoon. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"We can't do this out here." He said kissing down my neck making me moan.

"Then take me somewhere else..." I groaned out as he started walking into his house and up the steps to his room. He shut the door with his foot and laid me out on the large bed. He unbolt tuned his shirt while I pulled my dress over my head. He grabbed my wrists once the dress was on the floor, long forgotten. He kissed my lace covered breasts and I wrapped my legs around his hips again.

"I like the white lace." He smiled as he kissed down my stomach to my thighs. We were still wet from the rain, but the cold never seemed to distract us. His body felt good against mine as I arched my chest into his. He unclasped my bra, it falling to my discarded dress. Soon my panties, his jeans, boots, and boxers soon followed, leaving us both completely naked.

"I need you," I moaned running my fingers through his silky hair and I felt him smile over my neck before he nipped it playfully.

"Then I shouldn't make you wait." He said a teasing glint to his voice before he slipped me into an intoxicating ecstasy.

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