Chapter 12: I Do

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Serenity P.O.V.

I smoothed my dress with my hand and took a deep breath. My nerves were on edge and Maggie ran around the room in her navy, flower girl dress. "You look gorgeous, Serenity." Olivia said as she took the train of the dress and spread it around the floor. I smiled meekly at her as I felt my chest constrict and I began to breath heavily. Fate and Liv tried to soothe me but it wasn't working. There was a knock at the door and Nick walked into the room. "You look beautiful, Paige. Don't worry, everything is going to be perfect." Nick reassured and I smiled willing the courage to come to me. I stopped Satan and saved Maggie from my demonic father, but I was more terrified of this moment then the ones from my past.

"I need to talk to Hunter." I stated knowing only his voice could ease my worries that flowed like a river in my head.

"But, it's bad luck..." Liv started but I glared at her before she sighed and walked out of the room. I sat in a love seat that was in the room, feeling tired.

"Are you okay, Mama Serenity?" Maggie asked walking over to me.

"I will be," I smiled at her and soon Hunter walked into the room.

"What's wrong?" He asked as everyone left the room and he crouched in front of me.

"I'm scared, Hunter. It sounds ridiculous but I am." I sniffled, he took my hand and brought it to his lips. He was dressed in his military uniform and I felt the oxygen leave my lungs.

"I know you are, especially since I'm deploying in less then a week. But I promise you, Serenity, I will always come back to you." He kissed my lips lightly and he hugged me to him. "Do you still want to get married?"

"Yes," I says with no hesitation. "I love you, Hunter. I want you to be mine and I want to be yours." He kissed my neck and I sighed feeling better then I did a few minutes ago.

"Then let's go get married."

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