Chapter 1: The Reunion

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PRESENT... Serenity's P.O.V.

"I told you, Nick. I'm fine, I just got off the turn pike and I'm headed towards the house now." I told my worried uncle. It was weird being back in West Creek, but I promised Olivia I'd be her Maid of Honor. I'm staying at my childhood home, the home were everything happened.

"I'm just worried about you, Paige. It can be hard to go back, all those memories. Plus, with your gift..." He said calling me by my middle name. He trailed off and I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be fine, I'm almost home. I'll call you later, Nick." I hung up despite his protests and cranked James Otto's song Just Got Started Lovin' You. I passed through town and it all seemed to be the same, I've actually missed it here. They already started decorating the street lamp posts with writhes and a huge pine tree was in the middle of town, someone was on a ladder putting ornaments on it. The tree was the focal point for this small town, the roads came to a circle around it. Before I turned down the road the led to my house I needed food so I parked in front of Lucky's, a mom and pop shop that's been around for as long as I can remember. The town was so small only a few buildings, like federal buildings, actually had parking lots, this was not one of them. I got out of my truck and walked into the store putting on my NY Yankees cap on over my reddish brown hair. In it's pony tail, my hair reached my hip and it reminded me of my mom. I walked down isles looking for quick things to eat like fruit, pasta, sandwich makings, etc; and put them in the cart. I walked down the alcohol isle and picked a case of Yuengling.

"Ren? Is that you?" I heard a deep, masculine voice ask and I turned to face an older version of Hunter Wilde, the only person who has ever called me Ren.

"Hey, Hunter, yep sure is." I said with a hint of nervousness in my voice. He pulled me into a hug and he smelled as good as I remembered. He released me with a smile that I returned. His blonde hair was covered with a black stetson, his eyes were more blue then I remembered, he wore a red and black checkered, flannel, long sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a white shirt was under the flannel, dark wash jeans that hung low on his hips, and black cowboy boots. I felt a little self conscious in my light wash, faded blue jeans, white sneakers, and faded white and blue Yankees t-short that was a little snug. But what can I say, I wasn't trying to look good, I was trying to be comfortable.

"You look good, what are you doin back?" He asked his southern accent more prodominate then the last time I saw him.

"Your sister didn't tell you? I'm her Maid of Honor." I said with pride, Olivia was getting married to Drake and I couldn't be happier for them.

"Oh, no she didn't. She told me there was a surprise, I guess you're the surprise." He said winking making me laugh. Geez, I've missed him, a lot.

"Well, I gotta get going. I was just picking some food up for the house." I said and his smile seemed to fade at the mention of my childhood home.

"You sure you wanna stay there? My door is always open." Hunter said giving me a sobering smile. I smiled back at him and thought about the last time I was in a house with him.

"I'm fine, I gotta get used to the house anyway. When I come to visit from New York I have to have a place of my own." I said and he nodded. He seemed almost angry that I'd be leaving again. Although, I could've just imagined it.

"Well, I guess I'll see ya around. Bye, Ren." He smiled before giving me another hug then he turned to go to a different isle. I steaded my breathing and paid for all my stuff before walking back to my blue, Ford truck. I sighed then headed towards the place where all my nightmares would become a reality.

Hunter's P.O.V.

I tapped the steering wheel impatiently feeling anxious. "Come on, Liv, pick up the damn phone." I huffed still calming down from seeing Serenity. I thought back to her jeans that hugged her sweet little ass, that shirt that was snug and sexy as hell. Gone was the southern vocals, they were replaced with a New York style. She smelled like cherry blossoms and I hardened all over again. I got Liv's voicemail again and I ended the phone call before throwing the useless object in the passenger seat. I rubbed my chin and shook my head. It took five minutes for Serenity to get back under my skin. I started down the long dirt road that led to my family's ranch when my phone rang. I picked it up and Liv's voice sounded like music to my ears.

"Hey, big brother, what is so important that you called my like eight times?" She asked and I grunted out a laugh, as if she didn't know.

"Two words, Serenity Magomery." I said through clenched teeth.

"Oh, surprise!" She shouted then laughed nervously. "Look, she was coming anyway. She's my best friend so, obviously she'd be my Maid of Honor."

"I get that, but how is that my surprise?" I pulled up to my white, old house before parking the truck and shutting it off. I hope she wasn't trying to play match maker again.

"You know exactly why. You two are so perfect for each other it's not even funny." I heard a door open then close and Drake's voice came from the background. "I gotta go, be nice." with the last order she hung up and I rubbed my eyes with the new feeling of tiredness.

"This is going to be one long wedding." I said to myself before getting out of my truck and heading towards the barn. Maybe I'll count hay bales to get my mind off of the one girl I couldn't stop thinking about. If only that'd work.

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