Chapter 9: Wedding & Disappearance

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Hunter's P.O.V.

The light blasted through the curtains waking me from a sleep that I didn't want to end. My eyes opened and were met with a sleeping Serenity Magomery. I watched as she slept and a smile spread across my face. I kissed her forehead making her stir in her sleep, "Morning."

"Morning," she smiled back at me and I hovered over her, my arms on either side of her head. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I kissed her. She moaned deep in her throat as I kissed down her neck. "What time is it?" She moaned looking at the clock. "Shit! I'm gonna be late." She pushed my chest lightly, I chuckled as I rolled off of her. "It's not funny, you're sisters wedding is in an six hours and I have to be at the house in twenty minutes to get ready." She pulled on her white panties and I admired how good her ass looked in them. "And you should be getting ready too, Best Man."

"Yea, I guess but I was gonna take some time to admire you for a little longer." I said wrapping arms around Ren's bare waist pulling her towards me.

"You're incorrigible, you know that?" She smiled and I trailed kisses down her neck until her phone screeched in our ears. She grabbed it off the night stand and sighed before answering it.

"What's wrong, Liv?" There was a pause until Ren shook her head. "Calm down, take a breath, I'm on my way. Get a drink of water and I'll go talk to the florist. Everything will be fine, see you in a bit, Liv." She hung up before pinching the bridge of her nose with her fingers. "I really got to go," she slipped on her clothes before kissing my lips lightly. "See ya later."

"See ya," I said as she bolted out the door making me chuckle.

Serenity's P.O.V.

Music filled the air as everyone celebrated the union of Drake and Olivia. She looked gorgeous in her white, lace, mermaid dress and her smile lit up the room. Fate came to stand next to me and nudged my shoulder. "You can have that, you know?" I looked at her and I shook my head,

"Really, because what part of my life fits into that?" I asked pointing to Olivia as she was twirled on the dance floor. Fate hugged me to her and sighed.

"The part that involves Hunter." She whispered letting me go before I felt strong arms wrap around my waist.

"You look gorgeous," Hunter whispered creating goosebumps along my arms.

"Mmm, is that right, Mr. Wilde?" I teased and he chuckled before kissing my neck.

"Yes, it's very true." He kissed behind my ear, Liv looked over and a huge grin spread across her face before she mouthed 'told you so.' I rolled my eyes at my friend, "want a drink?"

"Yea, sounds great." I smiled before he walked over to the table with the drinks. I scanned the room for Maggie, by blood ran cold as I saw the evil grin on my father's face. I weaved through the crowd towards the hall I saw him in. As I came to an open door, he stood there looking different then I remember. "Where's Maggie?"

"You'll have to save her." He grinned, gripping my shoulder, and we vanished from the room.

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