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Dragons are vicious creatures. No man could tame such a beast. What couldn't be tamed, must be killed. Especially when the creature in question could destroy an entire kingdom in an hour or less.

Dream the dragon slayer saved many people from many dragon attacks. Though he had a weakness. A small green Dragon, they named it "Dream's Dragon." The only dragon the slayer couldn't defeat. The beast was smaller than average and agile. It could knock Dream off his feet before he could blink. Somehow it was much more dangerous than the big fire breathing dragons. Perhaps a smaller dragon, needed a smaller opponent.

"Dream, why can't I help you? I want to learn how to fight dragons. It would be so cool!" Dream's younger sister asked him.

"Because you're too young to fight monsters. Mom and dad would kill me if I took you with me."

The girl crossed her arms, not satisfied with the answer. "I'm 15...and that's close to 16...which is kind of close to 18...soo, I'm pretty much grown!" She argued.

Dream laughed at her poor attempt at convincing him. "Sorry Dristy, maybe when you're strong enough to hold a sword."

"I'm strong enough no-"

"Drista! You're not coming, go find something better to do." Dream finally walked away from her. To prepare for dragon hunting. He was going to seek out the green dragon that lived in the lush overgrown forest. Before it came back into town.

Drista huffed and dragged her feet along the floor, until she got to her room. She dropped down on her bed, and looked at the ceiling. "One day...I'm gonna kill a dragon." She whispered to herself, manifesting her wish.

After minutes of nothingness, she decided to put her free time to use. Instead of just laying around bitterly. Drista opened her closet and got her bow and arrows. She had been practicing archery, and she was getting insanely good. Even Dream praised her for her talent.

The girl headed outside to the practice targets. She moved her hair out of her face before grabbing an arrow from her quiver. "Alright...let's see if I'm still good." She had a habit of talking to herself. Drista was a fairly lonely child. The only people she spent time with was her family. Other than that, there was a girl that moved into town recently. She'd occasionally come to annoy Drista, since there wasn't many young girls around.

Just as she was about to aim, she heard the irritating sound of that girl's voice.

"Hey Drista! What are you doing?"

Drista sighed, and put her bow and arrow down. This girl was an instant headache to her. Mostly because she was bubbly and hyper. Despite that, Drista enjoyed her company. "Hi Lani, are you blind? Use your eyes, dumbass."

Lani stared in disappointed. "Drista..."

"Oh sorry, I forgot you're a child."

"I'm not THAT young compared to you. Just a couple years." Lani defended her age.

"Right, can I practice in peace now?"

"Yeah...can I watch? My siblings are doing older kid stuff."

"What's that?"

"Rabbit hunting. My parents say I'm too young, but maybe next year. I don't know if I'd like to kill little bunnies though..." Lani pouted.

"Oh my god, you're so lame." Drista teased, and aimed her bow and arrow again. "Just be quiet and watch me. You can be my little encourager."

"Okay! You've got this Drista!" Lani clapped excitedly.

Drista's Dragon (DreamSMP AU) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now