pick me girls

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*Sigh* i wish there was a profession called "pick me girl slayer" cause these bitches should be abolished from this planet

These girls seriously think that by putting down other women (especially women who are hyper feminine), denying their femininity, acting masculine and being annoying in general is gonna get them dick.

No bitch! You're just an annoying ass bitch, misogynist, rude asf and just disgraceful

Also i don't really understand why some girls think that by acting masculine or being masculine is gonna get them a man. Sorry to break it to you but guys aren't gonna see you as a natural women, they're gonna see you as one of them, what makes you think that men always go for feminine women?

What's funny about pick me girl's is that most of them tend to be short ass midgets and they think they cute because they're small. Nah bitch you look like a troll especially when you're mad

Ok that sounded kinda rude. Forgive me any short person who read that.

There are also some pick me girl's who think that acting dumb makes them look cute. Nope! You ain't cute, you're just embarrassing yourself and making yourself look stupid (i wanted to say retarded but i don't people to come at me and say oMg yoU sAid tHE R sLuR tHaT's oFFenSivE)

To all pick me girls i just wanna say shut the fuck up, i hope you step on a lego, i hope you stub your toe with any furniture in your house and...shut the fuck up!

Anyways i hope you enjoyed me shitting on pick me girls cause those bitches ain't shit.


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