Obsessions Part 79

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"What's wrong, Y/n? You're spacing out a lot."

Kirari asked you. The two of you decided to lounge in the living room since it's your free day. Her lap serving as your pillow as you lay down on the couch.

"Well... I've got the hang of almost all the gambles ever invented. But still, I feel like something is lacking." You said.

"To me, you're perfect." She said as she caressed your face.

"I'm serious, Kirari. I wanted students to fear me but every time I gamble, it's either they take it easy or scream in delight as they watch me. I expected to be taken seriously now that I'm president."

"But Y/n, no one would want to gamble with you to death. Not with that adorable countenance you have. To be honest, me too, I would rather cuddle with you all day."

"You're the only one who sees me like that." You pouted at her.

"That isn't true. I have so many rivals, it irks me. If only I could lock you up in here instead but I wouldn't wish for you to loathe me."

Groaning, you covered your eyes with your arms. Frustration was eating out on you until you felt Kirari's hands playing with your hair. Her gentle touch calms you down. It felt heavenly. Your consciousness slips away as you slowly felt sleep overcoming you.


Kirari was surprised when you abruptly sat up. You snapped your finger as a thought occurred on you.

"I know!" You yelled.

"What is it, Y/n?"

"I had an idea. It's risky but I think it'll help."

You slowly went back down on your soft pillow, closing your eyes as a smile crept up your lips.


You didn't expect this. Really, you didn't. I mean, this is Sachiko Juraku right here, in front of you. Sipping tea on her elegant teacup, her leg crossed over the other whilr gazing at the gorgeous view of her garden. The two of you settled on her balcony. The sound of her cup hitting the metallic table as she puts it down caught your attention.

"What is it you need from me again?" she asked.

'There it is.' you thought.

Her cat-like eyes scanned your feature, slowly, her usual smirk appeared. You caught yourself smirking unkowingly as you followed her lead. You let out a cough when you felt your face heat up a bit. You looked down in embarrassment.

"I'm here to learn." you whispered.

"You wanted to look more confident. That's what you told me earlier, am I right?"

"Uhm. Yes."

Skidding noise erupted from her chair as she stood up, followed by the clicks of her heels. She was supposed to go out today but cancelled her plans for you when you appeared in front of her door. Long nails scrape a bit on your chin when she made you look up to her.

"First, stay still. Stop fidgeting so much. Fix your posture. Keep your head held high. Think of that chair your sitting on as your own. Take up that space, don't be so uptight and awkward."

While saying those, she kept on pushing and correcting your position. All the while, you were sweating from nervousness.

"I don't know why you had to ask me for these. You have everyone around you brimming with confidence. Yumeko, Mary, Kirari. Any one of those people would've been glad to help you out and give you the same pointers as I'm saying right now."

You gulped. She was right of course. Was this just an excuse to see her? No. You were too used to those people. You don't fear them anymore but Sachiko...

You gulped as you studied her stern expression. She gives you a different kind of butterfly. She felt like danger. Just like your first impression of Kirari. Her presence gives you the shivers.

"You want to learn something else, don't you?" she asked.

Sachiko leaned down on your eye level. Her hand on the table to support herself and the other holding onto the back of the chair, beside your head. Her expression turned into something different. Her eyes emitted that frightening gaze, they seemed to turn into a smile along with her lips.

"Ye..s." you managed to croak out.

Her laugh felt so distant as the fear she instilled on you began to overcome your mind. You glanced at her lips which opens and closes but you can't understand what she was saying. You were too out of it. The last thing you saw was her smile before a loud smack brought you back.


You touched your cheek as you felt the burning pain from Sachiko's slap.

"Well then, let's get going shall we?" she said.


"I already explained it. I don't want to repeat myself. Follow me."

You quickly stood up and ran after the woman like a puppy longing for it's master. She led the two of you to a familiar part of her house. This was where she brought you last time. Your cheeks flushed red as you remember the events.

"You're so easily flustered. No wonder people would see you as an adorable little pup instead of a fierce President." Sachiko commented when she turned to look at you.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing so much. That's also a point. If you want to assert dominance, don't apologize. Take the helm and lead."

Sachiko threw a stick in your direction which you caught with a little difficulty.

"Use that and tame me." she said.


"If you don't want me, then call someone else to be your partner. Your little pet, perhaps?"


"That council member of yours that's always following behind you. She would be perfect. I think she would easily succumb to you too. If you want a challenge though, I'm here."

Sachiko laid on one of the couches she have. It was shaped somewhat different than normal.

"Kirari won't know. I promise." she said.

Her legs were a bit raised, showing off her thighs. She raised her hand and moved her finger, beckoning you to come closer to her.



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