Obsessions Part 8

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You were walking towards your classroom when your phone beeped. You checked out the message.

~take responsibility.

"Gah! Why is she messing with me like this!? What did I ever do to you!?" you exclaimed

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"Gah! Why is she messing with me like this!? What did I ever do to you!?" you exclaimed.

Mary, who was waiting outside the classroom for you, heard your fit. She was about to go to you when two guys came and grabbed you. The buffed one carried you on his shoulder and ran off while the other one took your belongings.

"What the-" Mary ran after you.

You struggled and punched the back of the guy while he ran.

"Let me go!!!" you screamed.

"Shut up! Don't make this hard for us! We were just ordered to do this to repay our debts." The one carrying your things shouted. You noticed a tag dangling in his neck.

"Pochi!?" you said.

"Stop!" you heard Mary shout from behind.

"Damn it!" the larger guy said.

"Turn the corner, hurry!" the other one instructed.

The guys turned and you saw a girl with long white hair walking the other direction before another turn was made by the guys.

"I said stop!" Mary reached the turn when she bumped into someone.

"Ouch." a thump and a soft voice was heard.

A mask rolled off on the floor and Mary saw the one she bumped into.

"V- Vice president?" she uttered.

"Huh? Oh!" The other girl panicked and grabbed her mask rapidly. She wore it and stood up. "Mary-san. I have something to talk with you about. Please come with me."

"Sorry but I have somewhere I have to be."

"Your friend is in good hands so please do not fret. Now come."


You sat in the student council room with a frown in your face. The large table was moved in the side and a carpet was laid out instead. A little arch was placed at the end, decorated with flowers. Runa's face then came into view.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

"What is this now?" you asked nonchalantly.

"Ah. Please explain. I'm too lazy to talk." Kirari spoke. She stood under the arch, playing with the decorations.

"Right! Do you know what today is?" Runa asked.

"Today? Uhhh. A Tuesday?" you answered.

"Today's the end of the month! Nyahaha. Did you really forget?"

"The end?" you thought for a while then gasped when you realized what it was. "No way!"

"Yes way! Nyahaha. You failed to pay so here we are! You can't get married for realsies yet but this will do. I'll be the witness. All you have to do is sign a contract! Then you and the president..... can live happily(?) ever after! Nyahahaha."

"This must be a joke right?" You tilted your head to the side to look at Kirari. "You're kidding right? Why would you even waste your time with me? I'm just a regular student. I don't even know how you knew me. I wasn't that popular. Why me!?"

"Nyahaha. Isn't it obvious? Now up we go!" Runa pulled you to stand and pushed you towards the president.

Kirari turned around and your eyes met. She smiled at you. You don't know why but she looked different. She seem to be blooming. It's as if she's...... infatuated?

"Are you drunk or something?" you asked .

"Or something." was her answer.

The two of you stood in front of each other. Her eyes never leaving yours. You stared back at her blue orbs. You can feel yourself being chained by her stare. It felt so hypnotizing. So... So.. mesmerizing. As if you never want to leave and just let yourself fall. It felt like a spell was cast upon you. Your trance was only broken when Runa clapped her hands once.

"Okay! Uhh what was it? Oh right. We are all gathered here blah blah blah.... President, do you accept (Y/n) to be your forcefully wedded slave?" Runa can't help but chuckle with her own words. "Nyahaha sorry sorry. Okay. Will you accept her as your lover?"

"Of course. I do." she said without hesitation.

"Okay. (Y/n) do you accept Kirari as your lover, in poorness and in debt? In losing or winning? Will you choose her whatever happens? Even if she loses everything?" Runa asked.

"Why is your question so weird when it came to me?"

"Just answer so we can end this soon."

"Well.. I...." You looked at Kirari and gulped.


Ririka sat on the sofa with Mary sitting in front of her.

"What do you want? Hurry it up." Mary asked irritatedly.

"The president is planning to hold another election. I want you to help me. I want you to win and be president."

"Huh? Why me? And why do I have to believe you?"

"Because whoever becomes the president, will own everything she has in this school. Including her personal properties."

"I still don't see why I have to help you so my answer is no. I'm leaving." Mary started to walk away.

"(Y/n) is at stake."

Mary stopped when she heard your name.

"Right now, a ceremony is being held to officially make (Y/n) her own. Whoever comes out to the top of the election will possibly be (Y/n)'s new owner. Don't you want to be that person?" Ririka explained.

"Tsk. Who do you think you are? What made you think I'd want that? And what could you possibly get for doing this? Did the president order you to do this?"

"I...." Ririka lowered her head.

"What are you? A puppet? Think about what you want before talking to me again you understand?" Mary then left.

"What.... I want?" Ririka looked at the closed door where Mary left. She stood up and ran after the latter.

Ririka grabbed Mary's arms to stop her from walking.

"What is it now?" Mary asked.

"I want to be your friend." Ririka said.

"If that really is the case, then at least remove your mask when you ask me!"

Mary grabbed the mask and removed it, showing Ririka's blushing face.

"Don't wear that if you're talking to me understood?"

Ririka nodded shyly.


Lol I wrote something else and all of it wasn't saved. I had to rewrite this.

I'll just publish this and faint to dreamland. buh bye.... 😴😴😴

Obsessions ( kakegurui females x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now