Obsessions Part 13

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"Kirari. Why don't we gamble on this?"

"I was just thinking the same thing, Ririka."

Their staring contest got more intense the more time has passed.

"Hey, hold up. Aren't you supposed to ask me to choose between you instead? I think I should at least have that right." you intervened.

"Shut up!" They both looked at you and spoke at the same time.

"Uhhhh.. sorry?" you put your hands up defensively in front of you.

You can't help but feel very tiny between these two. They are like little kids fighting over the last toy available in the store. Spoiled, little kids. I mean, what's so bad about sharing?

"Shut up author. Stop throwing me into trouble everytime." you looked behind you and whispered out of nowhere.

Anyway, back to the story. The twin sat on the sofa facing each other. Kirari pulled you to sit beside her. She looked at you and shoved her hand in front of you, palm up.

"What?" you asked.

"Give it to me." she commanded.

"What? Now? In front of Ririka?" it was cold inside their mansion but why are you sweating?

"I wish we could. Now give me the coin. The coin that started it all will also be our end."

"Ah. You mean my lucky token." you took it out of your pocket and gave it to Kirari.

She stared at it for a few seconds before facing her twin once more.

"This will decide our fate. A 50-50 chance. A fair game don't you think?" Kirari talked to Ririka.

"A coin. I see. Why resort to a simple game? I thought you despise boring things and a fair one at that."

"Boring? You have no idea how exciting my life has become because of this coin. This... has become a treasure for me too." Kirari's words tugged on your heart.

A treasure? Is this how it feels like to be sharing something important with someone? It's like we have our own little secret. Our own little world that only the two of us knows. And that world will either crumble or blossom for the next few seconds.

You didn't hear what face of the coin they decided into. The only thing you see was the same coin flipping in mid air. Time went so slow. So agonizingly slow that you can see their expressions clearly.


Emotionless. Like she doesn't care what the result will be. Or was it that she knows how this will end?


Same expression. But you notice a drop of sweat slowly going down from her temples. Was she nervous? Excited? You can't tell.

But what you're sure at is that you weren't ready for this. You wouldn't want to know the outcome. You're afraid of the result. In a blink of an eye your hand quickly moved. The twins were surprised. You caught the coin before it landed on the table.

"I'm sorry. I can't watch this. Let me decide for myself. Please." you begged.

"Nonsense." Ririka whispered.

Kirari touched your hand. "I understand. The pressure was too much for you. And I promised. I'll wait and take things slowly. I'll take you home now."

You wanted to cry. She was smiling at you. That same smile she always give you. Kirari was known to be selfish and arrogant. A total narcissist. But she's willing to put down her pride for you. And what have you been doing?

Obsessions ( kakegurui females x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now