Obsessions Part 28

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After your little outburst in the council room, you had no idea how to face Kirari. You feel so ashamed of yourself.

"I'm such an idiot." you said.

"We know." Mary said.

"Helpful as always Mary."

"But I still love you (Y/n)." Yumeko said with that super cute smile of hers.

You all stayed in the cafeteria after your little episode. Suzui brought you all some drinks.

"Here. Cool down a little." he said.

"Thanks." you told him.

You sighed once more. Mary took a glance at you. You've been playing with her hand atop the table the entire time you were there. Yumeko stared at your intertwined hands then looked at Mary with a knowing smile.

"Does it feel good Mary?" she asked.

"Wha-" Mary instantly blushed. "Shut up."

She looked away shyly.

"Hm. What's the commotion over there?"

Suzui pointed at some students that gathered in a corner.


A student shouted as he was thrown upwards by a few boys. They did it several times before they all stepped away and let the boy drop to the floor. Laughter echoed.

"They're so annoying. Make them stop." Mary gestured at Suzui.

"M- me?"

"You're a council man now. Move."

"I-I-I-I-" Suzui stuttered.

Yumeko only stared at them curiously. You sighed. You can't stand it anymore. You stood up to try and stop them but another group beat you to it. Several students wearing white entered the cafeteria while stomping their feet and chanting. They stopped the bullying and told the housepet that he belongs with them from now on.

"The village." Mary whispered.

"You know them?" Suzui asked.

"Yes. They're a group that opposes the student council. They despise gambling and are aiming to destroy the housepet system completely."

The woman who was leading the so called village glanced your way. Mary stood up and tugged at you.

"Let's go, (Y/n)." she whispered.

But before you could leave, they were already in front of you.

"Hello. I'm Jueri Arukibi. You were the other president weren't you?"

She smiled at you.

"Yes, I am. What do you need from me?" you asked.

"We would like to invite you to the village. We think we have the same goals as you. That is, to destroy the pet system completely and remove the discrimination from this school. Our village also doesn't condone gambling. We wish to remove it. We believe that you alone should be the president and not Kirari Momobami."

Yumeko stood up and faced them with a smile.

"Sorry but we have to decline. Because... we don't have an ounce of interest in it." she said.


You tried to speak but Yumeko gave you a stern look. Mary pulled on your hand again and you all left.

"That was Jabami Yumeko isn't it? Interesting."

The woman whispered. A smirk made it's way to her lips.


"The village are making their move. They have already approached the other half of your council. I saw them all with my own eyes."

Nitobe Kyuu stood inside the council room. He was called over by Sayaka to report to the president what he had told her.

"Village?" Kirari asked.

"Yes. The village are a group composed of a hundred people led by Murasame Amane. They oppose gambling and are taking in housepets. They even took over the old school building as their hideout."

"Amanecchi!? Nyahaha. Pre~si~dent~. What will you tell (Y/n)?" Runa said.

"Ah. I wonder."

Kirari was lost in thought once again. Sayaka can only gaze at her, confusion in her eyes.

"Nitobe. You can leave now."

Sayaka told the boy and he complied.

"Nyahahaha. I wonder what kind of fun (Y/n) will bring us. Will she join forces with them? Nyahahaha"

"As fun as this is to you, it's time for me to work. Pests have built their nests and I need to remove them."

Midari grudgingly went out the room.


"Why did we run away? They have the same objectives as us. Why don't we work with them? This is our chance to change this school." you said.

"I thought your smart? Has that head of yours stopped working?" Mary said.

"But... I thought that's what you wanted too?"

"Mary's right (Y/n). If you want to align yourself with that group, you will have to fight me." Yumeko said.

"Huh? Why?"

"That's simple. Because I love gambling! And... it's not just me. Will you also be willing to go against Kirari? You want to take her down? Hm? You want to rule the school on your own?"

"That's... not.."

"Well, I actually don't have any problem with it. I'll go along with whatever you plan if you promise me you would still allow gambling. So, what will it be (Y/n)?"

Yumeko was smiling at you as always. But her eyes says otherwise. It's telling you something else. A warning.

"Fine. I'll think of some other way."


"President. What's your connection with that Murasame?" Sayaka asked.

"Curious, Sayaka?"

"Forgive me. But yes, I want to know."

Kirari crossed her legs and leaned back on her chair.

"It happened before I saw (Y/n) again. I was lost. Peoples lives doesn't matter to me. Even my own. By that time, mama wants to marry me to a family just as powerful as ours. I had no regards with my own life so I promised her, I'll marry someone who can defeat me in a gamble."

"Was it... Murasame who defeated you?"



"Mama made him my fiance."

"What about (Y/n)?"

"She also defeated me before haven't she? I've trained her too. I only hope that when mama comes back, she would already be able to prove herself."

"Another thing, president. If Murasame is your fiance, why is he opposing you? And how did your mother convince him to be your fiance?" Sayaka asked.

"Ah. When one precious to you hangs on the edge, wouldn't you give your own life in exchange?"

Sayaka was more confused. Kirari gave her a smile.


"Yes, President?"

"Do you think (Y/n) would love me enough to fight for me?"

Sayaka stayed silent. She had no idea what the outcome would be.



Uhm... please read my other fic, savage love.. idk.. maybe you'd like/hate it more than this...

my head is fried rn.. why can't i think of something... well.. tata for now  ರ╭╮ರ

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