Obsessions Part 26

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All students was gathered by the student council. Yomozuki Runa stood onstage.

"Ah. Ahh. Ehem. Mic test. Mic test." she spoke. "Hello students of Hyakkaou! Today marks the end of the Presidential election. I am here to announce the results!"

The large screen behind her lit up showing a blank list. Hyakkaou Private Academy Student Council was written above.

"First off, of course I, Runa Yomozuki, keeps my place in the council as I presided over the elections and has no way of gaining votes." she said proudly.

Murmurs among the students can be heard.

"If you have any objections, I'm willing to gamble with any of you, but please be aware that if you lose, you are out of the academy and will be a disgrace in your families' names. Nyahahaha."

Everyone became silent.

"Good. Now please step out here miss Pres. My throat's getting dry." Runa stepped to the right side of the microphone stand.

Kirari Momobami then came onstage hand in hand with you. She faced the students with her signature smile and intimidating eyes. She grabbed the microphone on the stand. You and Runa stood on each side of her.

"It is time to reform the Hyakkaou Student Council." Kirari said.

She snapped her fingers and the screen behind showed the faces of the student council members and the votes they got during the election. At the same time, they all went up from both sides of the stage.

From the right side, Ririka Momobami, Sayaka Igarashi and Midari Ikishima.

From the left, Yumeko Jabami, Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui.

The students we're suddenly in an uproar. Those that were removed from the council were silent. They're eyes wide, not believing what they see before them.


A few days ago... Momobami Residence.

"So that's how it is." Mary said.

"Right! We're going to gamble it right here!" Runa was explaining. "The election chips will be distributed to each of us equally with one chip ahead to the one we decide to be the president! That way, we pluck the weeds and plant new crops!"

"What makes you think we would agree to this?" Mary said as she crossed her arms.

"Mary, Yumeko. Please support me in this. We can change a lot of stuff for the better but still maintain power over the students. We can balance every goal we have. I don't want us to fight over this anymore. I want us all to come together and be friends." you said.

"I'll support (Y/n) in whatever makes her happy." Yumeko said happily. "As long as I can still gamble that is."

"Ugh. Fine." Mary grumbled. "But what about Kirari? Does she even consent to this?"

"I think this will be fun. Let's try it. If it didn't work out, I could easily throw you all away." Kirari said with a smile.


Back to present.

"The whole student council decided and agreed on some of the new policies." Sayaka Igarashi was explaining.

"First of all, the pet system wouldn't be revoked, instead, we decided to put a time limit on it. Service chips will be distributed by the committee members led by Runa Yomozuki. You will be given a chip equal to the taxes you can't pay. Every chip in your possesion is equal to 24 hours that the student council owns you. But do not rest easy because we will work you to the bone. You can choose between me, Sayaka Igarashi, or Midari Ikishima to carry out your punishment."

"If another student decided to pay for your taxes, that student will own you with the same conditions as the student council. He or she can decide your fate but we do not encourage violence. The pet will still have the right to report his/her master. It is still up to the pet if he/she will consent to the other terms the master wanted besides those allowed by the council."

"Also, based on the grades of each student, the top 10 of each class will receive an allowance worthy of their average scores. Mary Saotome would be the one presiding over them."

"But please be warned. If your grades fall beyond the passing grades, a penalty will also be given. You will pay dearly I assure you."

"The gambling dens then will be on Yumeko Jabami. Any questions you have about the new rules, she will be the one you need to ask."

"And all things about the clubs and sports will be given to Ryota Suzui. Please do atleast a reasonably good job. Anyway, your ranking in sports fests will also be a factor. We will be putting bets on every sports we conduct in the academy. Teamwork or  solo, please excel in every aspect."

"Ririka Momobami will be keeping her place as the vice president and will continue her former duties."

"And lastly, for the first time in Hyakkaou's history, we will be having two people to lead us. This is to keep the balance of the rules implemented. The Presidential pair, (Y/n) and Kirari Momobami."

"If you have anymore questions, feel free to ask." Sayaka ended her explanations.


You all gathered in the council room.

"Ahhh. That was tiring." Mary slumped on her chair.

"Sayaka did all the explanation. You just stood there and glared at the students." Runa said.

"I'm so thrilled to see all the gambling!" Yumeko said.

"You will watch over the dens, not join the gambles." Mary teased.

"No way!" Yumeko pouted.

"You can do all that. It's up to you." you said.

"Sit here (Y/n). Kirari tapped on her lap. "I haven't ordered a couple chair yet so this will have to do."

"What are you talking about!? There are a lot of chairs here! She can sit anywhere!" Mary exclaimed angrily.

"It's become so noisy here." Sayaka rubbed her temples.

"Yumeko. Let's gamble." Midari begged.

Yumeko ran behind you.

"(Y/n). Protect me." she said.

Ririka giggled. She looked so cute without her mask.

"It's become so lively. I'm liking it so far." Kirari smiled.


It's not over until I say it is... The battle continues!!!!!


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