Obsessions Part 9

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"So what's your answer?" Kirari asked.

"Don't you think this is too fast?"

You tried to reason with her. Runa watched the two of you amusedly.

"What do you mean?" Kirari asked.

"Shouldn't we be dating first before getting married? Even though this is not a real marriage, it still doesn't feel right."

"Date?" she cocked her head to the side.

"Nyahahaha. This is getting interesting."

"I mean.. isn't that the normal thing to do?"

"I don't see why we have to do that. We've done things only lovers would do."

"Don't phrase it like that! Runa might think it's about something else!" You exclaimed. Your face red from embarrassment.

"Don't mind me." Runa said and covered her ears.

"We've kissed. A lot. Isn't that reason enough for us to be together like this? Any other reason is not acceptable for me. It is purely illogical. If you think otherwise, then you are a fool." Kirari said.

You were speechless. What kind of mindset does this person have? You already knew she was crazy but you didn't know she was more than that.

"Psycho." you whispered.

"What?" Kirari squinted her eyes at you.

"I'm not accepting this kind of deal. All you've decided since then were all one sided. You never asked for my opinion. You only do what you want without thinking of what I might feel. I don't want that kind of relationship anymore."

This time, it was her that were speechless.

"If you have nothing else to say, I'm leaving. Don't worry. I'll find a way to pay you back."

You walked out of the council room. Once you're outside, you released a big sigh of relief.

"Now what?" you sighed again and walked away.


"Pre-si-dent! Watcha gonna do nooow?" Runa asked.

Kirari was lost in her own world for a moment. She bit her nail and smiled.

"Ahhh. This is too much. That girl still surprises me. I thought she would succumb to me but no. She walked away from me. This only..." Her cheeks turned red. "This only makes me want her more."

"Wow. You've fallen deeper pres. But what are you going to do once somebody threatens your place as the president of the school? The battle for your seat has started. Nyaha."

"Then it would be more exciting. Will I drown in my own aquarium? Or do I devour every fish that I have?" Kirari walked towards her large fish tank and watched the fishes swim.

"But what about (Y/n)? If you lose the election, you lose her too right?"

"That's part of the fun isn't it? Knowing something could bring me to ruin any second is so thrilling."

"If you say so."



You heard somebody screaming your name. You looked and saw a black haired girl running towards you.


"(Y/n)!" She hugged you tightly. "Are you okay? You and Mary didn't attend class. I'm so worried."

"I'm fine. Thanks for worrying."

"Let's go find Mary." Yumeko dragged you around school until you found Mary.

"There she is." you said.

"Mary!" Yumeko let go of you and ran to Mary. "Where have you been?"

"Oh? Were you looking for me?" Mary asked.

"Yes. I was so worried since you don't usually skip class. Hm?" Yumeko looked behind Mary and saw someone else there. "Who is she?"

"Her? She's the vice president. We've become friends somehow." Mary scratched her head and noticed you standing there. She frowned at you.

Yumeko looked innocently at Ririka while the latter glared at her.

"Are you okay?" Mary walked towards you. You noticed her reddish cheeks.

"Yes. I'm sorry for worrying you."

"I'm not worried you idiot."

Ririka walked towards the two of you.

"Mary. I'll talk to you again. Please think about my proposal." Ririka put her mask on when she passed on you. "I have my eyes on you." she whispered to you and walked off.

"Proposal? What's that about a proposal Mary?" Yumeko asked her.

"It's nothing. Let's go get lunch. I'm hungry."

Mary grabbed your hand and dragged you away. Yumeko smiled behind you and followed.


~ Date me. I'll let you choose where to take me. I'm giving you the liberty to decide this time so be glad.

"Gosh. This girl doesn't really understand anything. How can someone be so smart yet so naive at the same time?"

You laid on your bed and sighed.

"But I guess that's what makes her interesting."

You decided to reply to her.

~Alright. Let's go on a proper date.

~ Good answer. Don't make me wait too long. Goodnight.



"I accept the deal. Help me become president of the academy and I promise I'll help you get close to (Y/n)" Mary was talking to someone over the phone.

"Okay. Thank you." Ririka answered from the other line.

"I don't understand why you're so obsessed with copying your sister. Even liking the same girl? But whatever. As long as I can get what I want."

"Mary. I promise I'll give you the power you wanted so much and I will take care of (Y/n). She will not be harmed as long as I have her."

"You better make sure of that because she's also my friend. I don't trust you yet but I feel she'll be safer with you than Kirari."

Mary hanged up and dialled another number.

"Hello?" your voice was heard on the other line.

"Hey idiot. I'll take care of your debt so relax. We will be winners. I'll make sure of that. I'll never let anybody hurt any of my friends anymore. I promise." She pressed the end call button immediately and didn't let you answer.

Once I become president, I'll take down this pet system that made you suffer. Tsuzura. I will not let anybody else have the same fate as you did. I failed to become your prince. But this time I promise, I'll do everything to gain power. I will rise. I will be a winner.


Lol. I remembered the title of this fic before was Twin Trouble  🤔🤔🤔

Obsessions ( kakegurui females x female reader )Where stories live. Discover now