Chapter 8

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"It's the monsters." I immediately stepped back against the wall as soon as Tania mentioned them and she stared at me confused. "What are you doing, Har-har?" I forced a chuckle.

"Nothing! I'll go first!" I said before running away. Escaping Tania before she could ask for more.

It's already been a week since then and I tried my best to avoid Liam as much as
possible. I don't know how to face him after that kiss in the hospital.

I'm confused. So confused. I also don't know how his mind works...

It's not like I hate the attention but it's all new to me and I haven't been here for so long. This is all happening too fast. Though he only visited me once in the hospital and never returned.

By the way, I was released four days ago, fast huh? Well us werewolves are different from ordinary humans. Our wounds heal pretty fast but I really did escape death back then.

Let's not mention it anymore.

I sighed tiredly as I finished cleaning Master Zoddy's room. I put my clothes on when I'm done then pushed the cart out of his room and bring it in the cleaning room.

"Marie, I'm leaving the cart here!" I shouted at her ignoring Sandra's glare who was standing beside her.

"Hey, Carter said you should still rest. " Marie said worriedly and I just smiled.

"I'm kinda bored laying on the bed doing nothing, oh I have to go now." She sighed in defeat before nodding at me.

I hurriedly ran outside to play with the puppies. Loves how they relieved me from stress but I froze on my spot as soon as I saw the sight in front of me.

The cousins were enjoying themselves as they played with the puppies like kids. They are really kind with the pups but so mean to everyone else.

But I guess everyone does have a good side in them. It's funny on how I hate to admit that.

"Harris Harris!" John called out naked as a new born. His dark brown hair was messed up and his eyes are the brightest brow I've ever seen and it reminds me of Niel.

Niel that bastard. In these past few days a sad feeling keeps on pulling me down in depression once again. Maybe it's because of he's new relationship blooming as soon as he got rid of me but I'm trying to shake it off.

The missing presence of Niel left me crying every night before I fall asleep but I have to be strong... because I know he's doing the same...

"Hi John." I smiled at him as I knelt down on the ground. "What do you want?"

"Let's play!" My eyes widened, I took a peek at the three who were still busy before I swallowed hard.

"I-I think I'll pass for today." He pouted.

"But why?" He asked sadly.

"Umm..." I can't find any excuses. What am I gonna do?

"Hey guys it's Harris!" I gulped when Hanna shouted on the top of her lungs that pulled everyone's attention towards me and so did the three bastards.

All the puppies ran towards me. I bit my lower lip in fear when Zoddy and Daniel smirked as they approached me as well..

"Let's play Harris!" Mimy shouted.

"But I-"

"Play with them Harris." I looked up at Monster Daniel and I almost shrunk under his stares. "It's your job."

I looked down before nodding, faking a smile at the pups. I bit my lower lip.

"Okay I'll play." The pups all cheered.

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