A Stolen Moment

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Kai's wish was granted

Maybe not exactly how she imagined it would be

But nonetheless, she got something very close to what she wanted

More time with Amaia

Not only did they spar together

But they worked together

And they were quite a pair


There were whispers

That even those who've been working in pairs since day one

Didn't work quite as well as she and Amaia

It made Kai swell with pride

If they ever docked at a city

Amaia always asked Kai to accompany her

And Kai always did

Not knowing exactly why Amaia chose her

Of all the other options

But she accepted

Feeling honored for being chosen

Amaia wasn't one to easily open up

Instead she preferred to be quiet

As she worked

But one night

Many months after when Kai first came aboard

When the stars shone so bright

Brighter than ever

On the open ocean

And everyone had gone below decks to sleep

Except Kai

And Amaia

The only two souls for miles and miles awake

And admiring the night sky

Kai leaned against the rail of the ship, arms folded as she looked skywards

Amaia, too, leaned against the rail, except her back was pressed against it, her arms also supporting her

Before that moment

Neither of them had really opened up about Before

Before Kai became apart of the crew

It was funny

Both trusted the other with their life

Trusted each other so well

Knew each other so well

That they knew the other would protect them

And yet

They were strangers in a sense

But after that night

That starry, cloudless, peaceful night

Everything changed


The two exchanged tales



Both lighthearted ones

And the dark ones they had repressed, desperate to forget them

The two stayed above deck

Just the two of them

Until the sun rose

And at the very end

The First Mate

Gave the lowly deckhand

A kiss

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