when you play video games

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Game: Flappy Bird

You sat in the dojo, eyes glued to your phone screen. Leo was sitting next to you meditating.

"Uuugggghhhh," you groaned. Causing Leo to glance over at you.

"What's wrong?"

"He keeps dying!" Referring to flappy bird.

He looked over at your phone before taking it from your hands.

"This doesn't seem that hard..." Just as he said it he died.

Half an hour later Leo was still trying to beat your high score of 7.

"I give up!" He said, obviously annoyed.

You smirked, "Isn't as easy as you thought, huh?"


Game: Amnesia

You were walking down a long corridor. "Don't look behind you, (Y/N)." Mikey whispered while hugging your arm.

"Now I have to look," You slowly look behind you just to see nothing. You sighed in relief and started walking again until you came across a room with a shelf.

"Stephano!" The two of you said while you picked up the statue and continued walking.

Then there was a groan.

"What was that...?" Mikey asked you and gripped onto your arm.

You turned around to be face to face with none other than a bro. Mikey screamed but you started laughing at how girlish he sounded when he'd scream.


Game: Slender The Arrival

Donnie raised an eyebrow as he walked around in the woods after hearing a scream. "I don't understand where exactly I'm supposed to go."

You shrugged, "How about that building?"

He nodded and walked into the one floor building that looked like it would collapse if it wasn't a video game.

A few minutes of walking around nothing had happened. "I guess not there.." Donnie walked out of the building when you came face to face with Slender.

You screamed as your character died.

"Well that could've gone better..."


Game: Majora's Mask

You gasped, "Oh my god.."

"What?" Raph asked, not taking his eyes off the game.

"The statue is following you..." Your eyes widened.

"When does it go away?" Then Link went up in flames and that was the end. "What the shell?!"

The game restarted and it said 'you shouldn't have done that....' at the bottom of the screen.

"IT IS BEN!" you nearly screamed.

"What are you even talking about?!"


Game: SSBB

You chose (favorite character) and started the game. And this time you wouldn't let Casey win.

You were focused on the screen until you glanced over at him. You held back a laugh and leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

He looked over at you, "Wha-"

'Player 1 wins!' The tv said.


"Payback sucks doesn't it, Jones?" You laughed.

(A/N) yay I finally updated! (∩_∩) I'm still taking requests for ideas so if you've got a suggestion tell me.

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