when he compliments you

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   The two of you were walking down the sidewalk. You sighed sadly.

   "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" He asked as he looked at you.

   "Well...there's this girl at school that keeps calling me ugly  and I tried to ignore her but I can't."

   Leo stopped walking, "Don't believe her. Your beautiful, don't let her tell you otherwise."

   You smiled and blushed dark pink. "Thank you Leo."


   The two of you were sitting on the roof of a building.

   "Okay I dare you to..." You looked around, "kiss that stop sign."


   You laughed. Mikey smiled, "Your laugh is the cutest thing ever." You stopped laughing and blushed dark pink. "Oh thanks Mik- wait are you just distracting me so you won't have to kiss a stop sign?!"

   This time Mikey started laughing, "Of course not, dudette!"


   The two of you were at the park and laying side-by-side in the grass.

   "A shooting star!" You looked at him, "what do you wish for?"

   "Well I've already got you, my best friend, what else could I ask for." He looked at you and smiled, showing his tooth gap.

   "Your just saying that."

   "No I mean it. Your cool and fun to be around. Beautiful too."

   You blushed dark pink. "T-Thanks Donnie."


   The two of you were sitting on the roof of a building.

   "Okay it's your turn." You said. Raph and you were playing confessions.

   "Um...I don't know." He crossed his arms, "This game is stupid."

   "Oh c'mom just confess something."

   "Uh...I think you look hotter without makeup." Raph said. Which made you blush dark pink.

   "Thanks, that means a lot." You responded.


   As always, the two of you were standing on the fire escape of your building. You looked at the sunset and sighed, "Isn't the sunset beautiful?"

   "Yeah," He looked at you, "not as beautiful as you though."

   You smiled and blushed dark pink.

   Casey smirked, "Your blushing."

   "Oh shut up!"

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