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when you meet:

You were roller skating home when someone grabbed you from behind and covered your mouth. "Struggling won't help you." He whispered and took a knife out of his pocket. Tear ran down your face as you tried to get away but couldn't. You shut your eyes, embracing yourself for pain but instead heard a girls voice. "Hey!"

The guy held the knife up to your neck. "Move and she's dead."

"Fine." She threw a throwing star at him, hitting him in the side of the head. He screamed and let go of you and the knife to try and take the star out of his head. The girl grabbed your hand and ran in another direction. Once you were under a street light you realized it was April, a girl who goes to your school.

"I'll see ya around." She said before disappearing, but not before leaving a note with her number.

when you text:

You tried paying attention to the tv but you couldn't get April out of your mind. You wanted to text her but unfortunately for you, you were shy. Typing out the message, you thought over and over on if you should send it before quickly hitting send so you wouldn't have the chance to change your mind.

Hey April! It's (Y/N).

Hi! Wyd?

Just watching tv. Wbu?

Nothing really. Do you maybe want to go to starbucks?

Sure! ^ ^

when you hang out:

The two of you walked to starbucks, talking as you did. Come to find out the two of you had a lot in common. While she was sporty and you were more on the lazy side you both liked the same bands, shows, and fandoms. When you got there you read each others fanfics while you drank (whatever you get from there).

"I like it." She said and smiled as she handed you back your phone.

"Thanks." You mumbled with a small smile as you looked back at your phone shyly.

Then (Favorite song) came on the radio and you couldn't help but whisper the lyrics under your breath. And to your surprise April knew every line too and started singing with you. Causing both of you to started giggling.

when she compliments you:

April and you were looking through the aisles of a thrift store until you came across a really pretty dress and went to try it on. A moment later you walked out of the dressing room and was looking in the mirror, debating whether or not you should buy it.

"The dress looks really beautiful on you by the way." You turned around to face April who was looking at shoes.

"Thanks.." You blushed slightly.

She glanced over at you and smiled, giving you butterflies.

when she says she likes you:

You were typing a new chapter for your fanfic when April cleared her throat, "Could I um tell you something important?"

You turned around in your chair to look at her, "Of course." She looked nervous so you smiled reassuringly.

"I... I like you. You probably think that's weird and I just ruined our friendship but I needed to get it off my chest." She kept her eyes on the floor as she spoke. You were taking aback for a moment but soon smiled again.

A blush covered your nose and cheeks, "I like you too, April."

when you kiss:

"Thanks for helping me study." You smiled sheepishly. History was your worst subject because you could never pay attention to any of it and would always ask 'when will this help me in life?'.

"No problem. You needed it since you spent the whole weekend binge watching supernatural." April smirked.

You pouted but had a small smile because that was true. "You better not do that again. Trying to get you to study is a nightmare." She chuckled and kissed you quickly.

when you hug:

"(Y/NNN)!" April said in a sing a song tone.

"Yes?" You looked over at her standing in the doorway.

"I got you something."


"Uh huh." She held up the P!atd CD you've wanted and you smiled ear to ear.

"Thank you!" You hugged her, earning a chuckle and a hug back.

when you get a pet/name:

You were sitting in the lair with April and the turtles when something you heard a high pitched scream. "Mikey!" Raph ran into the room, "Why'd you put a mouse in my bed?"

"I didn't! I swear." He held up his hands in surrender. "He must have gotten there by itself."

"It's a little harmless mouse, Raph. Man up." You looked at it, which was upside down because Raph was holding it by his back leg.

"If it's so harmless you take it." He quickly handed you the mouse and stormed off. You held him up to your face so you could look at him.

"He's actually pretty cute." April said, looking over your shoulder.

Edgar - after your favorite poet

when you play video games:

Five Nights At Freddy's 4

"Check the closet." You mumbled.

"No one there." She turned around to look at the bed, only to be faced with the adorable teddy bear freddy.

"Wait.." You out your ear up to the speaker so you could listen better, April doing the same. "Check the hall." You whispered and braced yourself for one of the animatronics to jump at you. She walked to the hall and hesitantly turned the light on.

"No one." She said and we both let out a breath we were holding back. She walked back to the bed and turned around except the teddy bear wasn't there, nothing was. You furrowed your brows before three bears jumped at you and the game ended. You, not expecting anything to happen, fell out of your chair with a loud thud.

April chuckled, "You're pulling a Dan." (how many people get that? XD)

(A/N) so I made her kinda a fangirl cause c'mon she's a teenager, before all this crazy mutant stuff happened I'm sure she was a fangirl like you and me. And just to add some character to her cause I feel like we don't really get to know much about her personally because of all the crazy shiz that's always happening, ya know?

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