More Than Friends?

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Stiles' POV

"Fine... I have a teensy weensy bit crush on Derek.." I admitted to my best friend, Scott, since he's been bugging me the whole day.

Derek and I are closer than we've been before. Well, not really but at least weren't biting each other heads anymore and it's a good thing, right?

It all started after the Kanima attack in which I had to hold him for two freaking hours while treading in the water, which he is so heavy by the way.

"I knew it," Scott exclaimed which surprised me seeing as I sort of forgot him?

"So..." He wiggled his eyebrows when the bell suddenly rang.

I stuck my tongue to him and immediately went to class. I guess I was saved by the bell, literally.


"Stilinski!" Coach Finstock shouted.

"Yes, coach?" I looked up silently cursing myself.

"I don't want you getting late ever again, understand?" He more like demanded.

"Yes coach, I understand." I went to my desk as fast as I could, not wanting to anger him more. He can be really scary if he wanted to.

The class went by pretty quickly.

"So Stiles, what are your plans later?" Scott asked.

"I don't know. Maybe play video games, why?" I looked at him while responding.

"It's nothing." He grinned.


After my last class ended, I immediately went home. I still felt a bit weird about Scott's actions earlier but I try to get it off my mind.

I went to my desk and just surf things in the net after doing my homework of course.

"Stiles, I'm home! Dinner's ready." Dad called downstairs.

"Okay, dad. I'm coming" As I turned to shut my computer down, I saw a message from Derek. 'Great! What does he want now?' I thought.


I went downstairs thinking what could he possibly want that couldn't wait tomorrow. Hmm, it must be something important.


I managed to sneak out of the house seeing as it was late and I'm sure that my father won't allow me to go out or any parents I'm sure.

I made my way to the forest where Derek's house is. It was burned down years ago by Scott's ex-girlfriend's aunt, Kate. Their family is what you call werewolf hunters.

I can see Derek pacing back and forth outside the house.

"Yo Derek!" I shouted to get his attention.

He stopped pacing and looked at me. He looked kind of nervous I guess but I couldn't really tell since he's good at hiding his emotions.

"So what did you call me for?" I asked as I was approaching him.

"I want to tell you something important." He finally said after a while.

"What?" I asked him with a smile to encourage him to continue.

"Promise me that you won't get angry?" He asked me.

"Okay?" I'm not entirely sure now as to why I came here. What if it's bad news? What if someone's in danger? Or what if he knew?

"Stiles stop it. I can hear your heart beating so fast."

"Sorry, but I can't help it. So can you tell me now before I start freaking out again? Before I start making assumptions about things that are-" I was cut off with a pair of lips on mine. To say that I was shocked was a complete understatement.

He removed his lips and stared at me. I was still in shock.

"I like you, Stiles. Actually you're my mate. Soul mate to be exact. I didn't tell you but I've known it for a while now. I realized it when you were holding me up in the water when you touched me." He looked down, not meeting my eyes.

I was speechless, I don't know what to say. I can't believe that he likes me too and that I'm his mate.

"Derek... I...uhh.." I stuttered.

"Shhh... Stiles... You don't have to say anything. I know that I've been rude to you and it's okay if you don't like me back. No one in their right mind would do so. I just wanted to get it out of my chest and tell you." He said and slowly started to back away.

"Derek, stop rambling. I like you too." I told him softly.

"It's... What?" He stopped and looked at me shocked not expecting my response to his 'confession'.

I slowly walked towards him, stared at him intensely and then kissed him. "I like you too sourwolf."

He scowled because he hates it when people call him that. "You're lucky that I like you or else I would kill you for calling me that." He muttered.

"I know. And you should take me home, now. I still have class tomorrow." I smiled at him cheekily and chuckled. I just hope that things will work between us.


As promised, STEREK is here... And I hope you like because I personally think that this is better than the last one. I hope you enjoy this.. :))

Coming next is DETHAN.

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